c h a p t e r f o u r t y - o n e

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"It's you and me, that's my whole world"

Y/N Southgate 'Miss Americana and The Heartbreak Prince'

The morning sun bathed the room in a soft, golden glow as Y/N stirred awake at 7 a.m. Her first thought was of Pressley, who had school today. In a hurried rush, she threw off the covers and nearly tumbled out of bed, realizing she'd overslept.

As her feet hit the floor, she heard the sound of a spirited debate coming from the direction of Pressley's room. The little girl's voice, tinged with determination, rang out, "Daddy, you are NOTTTTTTT wearing that!"

Mason's voice, laced with mock protest, replied, "Why not?"

Pressley, undeterred, responded with conviction, "Because you're going to embarrass me, and it looks better on me!!! We can ask Mummy."

With that, Y/N decided to make her appearance known. She leaned against the doorframe, her hair in a messy bun, clad in her silk Victoria's Secret pajamas.

"Mason dear, Pressie looks better," she chimed in, her lips curving into a playful smile.

Pressley's delighted jumps confirmed her agreement, and Mason, with a feigned sigh, conceded. "We both know the kit looked better on me." He whispered to Y/N as he left the room, a playful glint in his eye.

Y/N shook her head, suppressing a chuckle. Mason's playful banter was a constant in their lives, a reminder of their enduring friendship.

Leaving Pressley to get ready, Y/N focused on her own morning routine. As Mason re-entered the room, he extended a cup of coffee to her. She accepted it with gratitude, zoning out for a moment as she sipped the warm, comforting brew.

Her mind drifted back to their school days, when they were both just 15 years old. Y/N recalled the daily ritual of entering the Mount house, which always seemed to be infused with the scent of freshly brewed coffee. The moment she stepped inside, Mason would emerge from the kitchen with a water bottle filled with coffee, knowing she had already been up for hours on her way to school. It was a small gesture, but one she cherished.

Shaken from her reverie by Mason's voice, Y/N snapped back to the present. "Y/N!! Are you alright? Pressie is ready and wants to show you what she's wearing."

Y/N smiled, her thoughts returning to the present, and she tugged at Mason's arm, eager to see Pressley's Manchester United kit.

Pressley, who had transformed herself into a miniature model on a catwalk, strutted around the house, showcasing her outfit. Her excitement was palpable as she twirled and posed, clearly enjoying every moment.

Mason leaned in closer to Y/N, whispering, "That's the kind of thing you would do. She's the spitting image of you."

A warmth spread through Y/N, and for the first time, a thought she'd never entertained before crossed her mind. She wanted to kiss Mason. The realization surprised her, leaving her momentarily stunned. She didn't act on the impulse, but the thought lingered in her mind, creating a subtle shift in their relationship.

Mason checked the time and, with a fond smile, put Pressley in his Lamborghini Urus from 2022. Y/N had always found the car a bit flashy for her taste. She couldn't drive herself, unable to pass the theory or practical test since she was 17. However, she owned a second-hand Audi A4 from 2009, which she appreciated for its simplicity.

As Mason and Pressley drove off to school, Y/N was left with her thoughts. Her mind was filled with memories of their school days, and the journey from London to Portsmouth for her school. She cherished those times, despite the challenges. Her friends would drive her to her hockey matches, and in that little Audi, she felt like a regular person, not the singer, actress and social media 'influencer' even though she hated that word, it was the only one good enough to describe what she did.

Eventually, Y/N received a FaceTime call from Sophia Weber, Kai Havertz's fiancée. Sophia had to adjust to Kai's move from Chelsea to Arsenal, which Y/N wholeheartedly supported. She had always been a devoted Arsenal fan, a loyalty that stemmed from her childhood. Whenever there was a London Derby between Arsenal and Chelsea, Y/N proudly sported her Arsenal shirt with '10 - Smith Rowe' on the back, a tribute to the day she met Emile Smith Rowe, a chance encounter that had left a lasting impact. Whenever she wore his shirt she would always remember the day she ran out of school in London when she was 12, which got her suspended for the second time, and went to watch an Arsenal game, she was sat in the box with the Academy players sat next to her there was a boy her age who sat next to her and the one thing she remembered him saying was "One day I'm going to be playing here at the Emirates" they exchanged numbers and have been friends ever since that game.

Sophia and Y/N's conversation flowing in English until Mason came home, the language of their conversation shifted to German, leaving Y/N in the comforting embrace of a friendship that transcended words.

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