c h a p t e r t w e l v e

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"We're happy, free, confused, and lonely in the best way"

Y/N Southgate- '22'

July 15, 2021

Y/N sat in her living room, her mind still reeling from the recent events that had unfolded. The weight of the decisions she had made hung heavily upon her, casting a shadow over her thoughts. Just as she was lost in her contemplation, her phone buzzed, jolting her back to the present.

Picking up the device, Y/N saw that it was her father calling. Curiosity mingled with a sense of trepidation as she answered the call.

"Hey, Dad," Y/N greeted, her voice tinged with both anticipation and uncertainty.

"Y/N, I hope you're doing okay," her father's voice came through the line, filled with a mixture of concern and warmth. "I wanted to talk to you about something important."

Y/N's curiosity piqued. "What is it, Dad?"

"I received a call earlier today," her father explained. "A job opportunity has opened up at the England Camp at St George's Park. They're looking for a social media manager, and I thought of you."

Y/N's eyes widened in surprise. The idea of working at the England Camp, being involved in the world of football that she loved, stirred a spark of excitement within her. But alongside it, a pang of doubt surfaced.

"Dad, that sounds amazing," Y/N replied, her voice tinged with a mix of enthusiasm and hesitation. "But after everything that's happened, I'm not sure if it's the right time for me."

Her father's voice softened. "I understand, Y/N. It's true that recent events have been challenging. But sometimes, new opportunities arise when we least expect them. This could be a chance for you to turn a new leaf and grow both personally and professionally."

Y/N's mind whirled with conflicting thoughts. She wanted to seize the opportunity, to step outside of the chaos that had enveloped her life. But at the same time, she wondered if she was ready to face the scrutiny that came with working in such a high-profile environment.

Her father's voice broke through her contemplation. "Y/N, I believe in you. I've seen your talent, your passion, and your ability to connect with people through your social media presence. This could be a chance for you to make a positive impact and show the world who you truly are."

Y/N's heart swelled with a mix of gratitude and determination. She knew deep down that her father was right. This opportunity could be a turning point, a chance to rise above the challenges she had faced and forge a path of her own.

Taking a deep breath, Y/N replied, her voice filled with newfound resolve. "Dad, I'm ready. I want to take this chance, to embrace the opportunity that's been presented to me. I want to be a part of the England Camp and contribute in any way I can."

Her father's voice was filled with pride. "I knew you'd make the right decision, Y/N. I'll make the necessary arrangements, and we'll discuss the details soon. I'm proud of you, and I believe in you."

As Y/N hung up the phone, a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation coursed through her veins. She knew that the road ahead wouldn't be easy, but with the support of her father and the determination to prove herself, she was ready to embark on this new chapter.

The England Camp awaited her, a place where she could combine her love for football, social media, and her own journey of self-discovery. It was an opportunity to grow, to learn, and to show the world that she was more than the mistakes she had made.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Y/N began to envision the possibilities that lay ahead. The future was uncertain, but one thing was clear—she was ready to embrace it with open arms.

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