c h a p t e r f i f t y

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" When you think happiness / I hope you think that little black dress"

Y/N Southgate- 'Tim McGraw'

Mason had a mischievous glint in his eye as he approached Y/N at the end of one of his training sessions. A bright smile played on his lips as he casually asked, "Fancy going out for dinner tonight?"

Y/N's heart fluttered with excitement at the prospect. "I'd love to," she replied, the eagerness in her voice mirroring the delight in her eyes.

Their date was set, and Y/N couldn't have been more thrilled. She wanted everything to be perfect. She spent hours getting ready, selecting a little black dress that hugged her curves, making her feel confident and elegant. Her makeup was flawless, her naturally hair pin straight down her shoulders. When she looked at herself in the mirror, she felt like a vision of charm and allure.

Mason, ever the gentleman, arrived at her room on time. He was dressed casually yet handsomely, and his gaze couldn't help but linger on Y/N as he greeted her with a warm hug.

As they left her house and made their way to the mini-golf place, Y/N felt a thrilling mixture of excitement and happiness. Her fingers intertwined with Mason's as they walked, and their laughter filled the air.

The mini-golf venue was charmingly lit up, offering a perfect evening backdrop. Mason and Y/N playfully engaged in the game, competing with each other, their spirits high. They shared stories and inside jokes, their connection deepening with every hole they played.

As the evening progressed, Mason decided to let Y/N win, expertly making her believe it was her incredible mini-golf skills that had given her the victory. Her elation was palpable, and Mason secretly relished in it.

Under the starlit sky, as the evening wind rustled through the trees, Mason took Y/N's hand and gazed deeply into her eyes. "Y/N," he began, his voice tender, "this has been an amazing night. I can't imagine a better way to spend my time."

Y/N, heart pounding in her chest, her thoughts racing, looked back at him, captivated by the intensity of his gaze. "Mason, this has been perfect," she replied, her voice soft and earnest.

He took a deep breath and asked the question he'd been eagerly waiting to ask. "Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?"

Without hesitation, Y/N smiled and replied, "Yes." She leaned in, capturing Mason's lips in a sweet, affectionate kiss, sealing their new commitment.

For the rest of the night, they lay side by side, gazing at the stars, talking about their dreams, their pasts, and their futures. Mason held Y/N close, his arms wrapped around her, and Y/N felt a warmth in her heart that transcended the evening's chill. They had taken a significant step in their relationship, and the stars above seemed to twinkle brighter in celebration of their love.

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