c h a p t e r t h i r t y - t w o

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"Do I throw out everything we built or keep it?"

Y/N Southgate - 'You're Loosing Me'

The return flight from Barcelona to England was a stark contrast to the vibrant and exhilarating experiences they had shared in the beautiful city. As the plane took off, the atmosphere seemed to mirror the unease and tension that had settled among Y/N, Mason, and Ben.

Y/N couldn't shake the lingering hurt from Mason's actions in the club. The weight of disappointment and betrayal bore heavily upon her heart, casting a shadow over the journey back home. The once carefree and joyful atmosphere now felt suffocating, leaving her longing for solace and an escape from the turbulence within.

The airplane cabin, typically a space of transition and anticipation, now seemed confined and oppressive. Y/N chose to distance herself, seeking solace in her thoughts and the allure of sleep. Fatigue weighed upon her eyelids, and as exhaustion took over, she found herself drifting into a restless slumber.

In the midst of the chaos of the flight, Y/N stirred, her head bobbing as she struggled to find a comfortable position. Her eyes fluttered open, and she found herself cradled against Ben's side, her head nestled against his lap. The warmth and sense of security that emanated from him provided a soothing respite from the turbulence both inside and outside the plane.

With gentle tenderness, Ben leaned down and pressed a soft kiss on Y/N's forehead, a silent gesture of reassurance and care. It was a fleeting moment of comfort, one that whispered promises of understanding and support.

Meanwhile, Mason's gaze remained distant, his focus fixed on the small window beside him. He seemed to envelop himself in a world of his own, deliberately avoiding any interaction or acknowledgement of Y/N's presence. The silence between them spoke volumes, echoing the unresolved tensions and unspoken words that hung heavily in the air.

As the flight continued its bumpy journey, Y/N found herself lost in her thoughts, questioning the foundation of her relationship with Mason. Doubts and uncertainties clouded her mind, battling against the deep connection they had once shared.

The descent into London marked a symbolic return to reality. Mason swiftly retrieved his belongings, donning his AirPods and turning on noise-canceling mode, effectively shutting out the world around him. Y/N watched in silence, her heart heavy with disappointment and a longing for resolution.

Stepping foot on English soil once more, Y/N took a deep breath, determined to face the challenges that lay ahead. As they parted ways at the airport, Y/N couldn't ignore the lingering ache within her, the void left by Mason's silence and indifference.

The journey back from Barcelona had been a turbulent one, not only in the skies but also in their relationships. Y/N knew that healing would take time and honest conversations. She resolved to confront Mason and seek clarity, unwilling to let the silence dictate the future of their connection.

As the departure gates faded into the distance, Y/N embarked on a new phase of introspection and self-discovery. Uncertainty lingered, but she clung to the hope that resolution and understanding would eventually guide them through the stormy skies that lay ahead.

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