c h a p t e r f i f t y - s e v e n

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The sun was streaming through the curtains as Y/N slowly woke up. She reached out to find an empty side of the bed, which was unusual. Her eyebrows furrowed with curiosity. Mason was usually still sound asleep when she got up.

Then she heard it - a cacophony of shouts and the annoying blare of smoke detectors. The smell of burnt pancakes wafted into her room. Panic surged through her. She hurriedly got out of bed, slipping into a robe, and rushed downstairs.

As Y/N descended the stairs, she found the source of the chaos in the kitchen. Mason and Kai were frantically waving tea towels around, trying to disperse the smoke that had triggered the detectors. Burnt pancakes were strewn across the countertops. It seemed they had attempted to make breakfast for the girls and had not fared well.

Y/N couldn't help but chuckle as she watched the two of them, so intent on saving their burnt creation. She said, "What's going on here, boys?"

Kai looked relieved to see Y/N. "We were trying to make pancakes for everyone, but things got a little out of hand."

Mason chimed in, trying to save face, "Yeah, well, these things are hard to flip."

Pressley, who had witnessed the whole spectacle, chimed in, "MacDonald's pancakes, yay!" She had no intention of eating the charred offerings.

Y/N burst out laughing at the situation. "Alright, you two, don't worry about it. We can always order some breakfast instead."

The men grinned with relief. As the smoke began to clear, Mason went over to Y/N and wrapped his arms around her. "You're such a lifesaver," he said, giving her a loving kiss.

After a day at Kai's house, the trio headed back to Manchester. Y/N couldn't help but think about the comical pancake incident as they drove home. As they entered their home, she gave Mason a sly look.

He caught her gaze, understanding the unspoken message. It had been an eventful day, filled with laughter and family time. Now, they were ready to embrace a different kind of enjoyment.

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