Chapter 1

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You were told you were a naturally curious person, you tried every hobby you saw, new things caught your attention, and trends were constantly popping up on your social media that you'd wanted to try. So when you'd caught sight of the newest trend going around you knew you were all but bound to at least try it, it was harmless anyway.

What could possibly stem from something so little?

You'd just woken up from a dream about living in a beautiful house with some woman you'd met online, inside of the dream you were sitting on the counter while the woman made breakfast. Your brain was still fuzzy with sleep as you were trying to recall the memories of the dream before they faded away.

You really should keep a dream journal with all the odd dreams you have.

You remember the dream almost exactly but the woman was blurry in your memory, her face never fully visible and always changing so you could never quite get a clear grasp on her features. But there is one thing that you could recall; clear striking green eyes.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Your second alarm spooked you out of your thoughts and you shook your head, silently erasing the dream like an Etch-a-Sketch. As you grabbed your clothes for your shower you remembered your late-night activity; scrolling through copious amounts of online videos, and deduced those were definitely a contributor to your weird dreams.

As you were opening your phone to set up your shower music you got a notification from one of your favorite news articles.

"Social Media's New Craze! Meet Your #NumberNeighbor!"

You chuckled a bit, this new trend had been going crazy ever since some girl had found out she was number neighbors with a celebrity. No doubt everyone was trying to have the same lucky result as she did.

Even you had to admit over the past few days you'd been resisting the temptation to try it for yourself. But you were worried your number neighbor might be some sort of perv or weirdo that asked you for feet pics. However, with all the stories you'd been reading over the past few days of people finding new internet best friends, the temptation and curiosity were quickly becoming too much to bear. So to save yourself from curiosity overload you shrugged your shoulders and typed your number with one digit off into your phone.

                      Unknown contact:

Y/n: Hello!

It was simple, nothing fancy or weird for a first text, you didn't want to scare them away by coming off as too strong. You could save the memes for the future- if there ever was one. There was no immediate response and you deflated after a few minutes, sometimes no one owned the other number, and a lot of the time people chose to ignore texts from random numbers.

You couldn't really blame them honestly. Although, you also had to take into account that it was currently 7 AM and most people didn't wake up at that hour on purpose... except for those who like to indulge in self-torture that is.

You got yourself ready for the day, taking a nice long warm shower (including having a shower concert) and making yourself a quick breakfast. You were seconds away from forking another bite of your syrupy waffle into your mouth when your phone chimed with a notification. You were a bit confused at the sight of a text notification, having forgotten about your spontaneous early morning decision, but as soon as the memory popped back into your head you were eagerly unlocking your phone and opening the message.

Unknown contact


Hi? I'm sorry, who is this?

Number Neighbors- Natasha Romanoff  x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now