Chapter 14

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(This chapter takes place a little before last chapter of Nat's pov)

The taste of the dessert was still simmering on your tongue as you walked home from your date. The thought that Nat had maybe seen you hadn't left your brain since you got that note. The one you were still desperately clutching in your hand, rereading it over and over again and imagining Nat writing it. Her handwriting fits her personality so much. You wondered if she would be open to the idea of becoming pen pals.

The second you'd read the note you'd scrambled out of your seat to catch the waiter and ask if she was still there but he only shook his head and gave you a pitying smile.

"Can you at least tell me what she looked like?" You didn't know if you were breaking some unspoken rule of whatever game you were playing with Nat but you had to know. More than anything you had to know.

The waiter picked up a few glasses and plates and put them on his tray before turning to you

"I couldn't see much, she was wearing a hoodie and sunglasses. You'd think she was a celebrity or something. Is she... your stalker?"

Before he could get the wrong idea you quickly shook your head no at his accusation

"She's... a friend?" you don't know why it sounded so much like a question, both of you had agreed you were beyond strangers now but... what you felt towards Nat didn't always feel like friendship. It felt like those moments when time stood still;

Like when you feel a cool breeze on the hottest day of the summer,

Or when you snuggle under warm blankets in the winter,

Or settling down somewhere with a cup of something warm and a good book.

She felt like all the little moments you loved about life combined into a person.

Your mother would probably call you naive for feeling so strongly about someone you'd never even met but she'd technically already approved of Nat anyway.

"Is there nothing you can remember about her?" you tried to keep up with the guy as he walked to pick up after another table

You felt a few expensive-looking people look your way but you didn't pay them any mind.

The waiter huffed and stopped in his tracks, turning to you with the patience only a person who works in customer service could have.

"Look- a bit of her hair was sticking out from under her hoodie, it seemed- brownish? Maybe more of an auburn? I don't really know I wasn't paying attention. But if you really need to know so badly we have a tech guy coming up in a few weeks, I could have him send you the alley surveillance footage?" You could tell this guy was over you asking a million questions so you nodded your head enthusiastically. Glad to have at least that much. As you scribbled down your email you thought of your number neighbor with brownish-auburn hair. Somehow, you felt like you already knew her hair would be darker.


As you were rounding the corner onto your block your phone pinged with a notification and you were surprised to see Nat's contact on your screen.

'It's about time' you thought to yourself as you realized this was the first time Nat had texted you first, completely unprompted.

You swiped open the message with a satisfied smile on your face.



Enjoy your dinner?


It was okay.

The dessert was the best part.


Oh yeah?



Putting your phone away, you unlocked the door to your apartment, entered the flat, and locked the door again before making a B-line for your fridge. You snatched an old grocery list off and replaced it with the napkin. It settled nicely under your baguette-shaped magnet.

You started at the note for a few minutes, unsure how to go about addressing what had transpired.

If you even should address it.

What if it made her run again? You wouldn't be able to handle her silence like last time. You'd grown too attached.

Shaking your head you decide to just go for it, rip the band-aid right off. If she disappeared again then it was her loss.

But if she was confident enough to text you first this time then maybe things would be different?



You were there

The reply took a few seconds and you tried your best to channel your inner monk for some patience


I stopped by


You were there.

Again the three little typing bubbles taunted you and you wanted to pull them out of your phone and throw them in a blender but you knew it just meant she was second-guessing every answer she could give you. You'd gotten used to her texting habits.



I was.


Did you... see me?



You don't know why you breathe out a sigh of relief. Part of you thinks it's because you want your first meeting to be mutual. To see each other for the first time at the same time. So you can know what she thinks of you by just the look in her eyes.

At least if she had seen you and she was lying you could know that she thought you were pretty enough to continue texting.


I never even stepped foot in the restaurant

That much you knew from the waiter, but it still felt good that she was telling you. Like she was validating your unspecified want of seeing each other for the first time together. It always felt like she just knew things about you without you ever telling her. Maybe she was a long-distance mind reader. If that were the case she should really get hired by The Avengers.

The thought makes you huff out a light laugh and reminds you of when the two of you first started talking. It felt like so long ago now. You'd come a long way since then.


Thank you.

It was delicious

It made my night honestly


Anytime, Y/n.

I'm glad.

You didn't know what Nat was doing on her side of the city but you wondered if maybe she was grinning at her screen like a fool the same way you were.

You changed the topic of your conversation with Nat as you began getting ready for bed and not once did it occur to you that you hadn't thought of your actual date the entire night.

A/n: When I said slowburn I meant it! At least Y/n knows Nat's hair color now! ~ Starry

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