Chapter 33

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Finally away from the chaos, you relax your tense shoulders as soon as the door to Nat's bedroom shuts. You take notice of the way Nat constantly protectively hovers near you and the subtle brushes of her hand against yours. If you're honest you hadn't been expecting her to be this physical but you're not complaining.

The first thing you notice is her gray comforter and you smirk at the reminder of your previous conversation.

"What are you smiling at?" You could give her a long list of reasons you would be smiling right now (most of them pertaining to her presence) but instead, you opt for the truth.

"You really need better taste in comforters"

Nat groans, shaking her head but smiling nonetheless. The apprehension from the car ride seems to have completely dissipated and you're grateful that she's feeling as comfortable around you in person as she was over the phone.

Taking the opportunity to observe her room, you notice the decoration is minimal but still cute. Books on the shelves, a few framed pictures of her and the other Avengers, a few framed drawings made by some kids who call her "Aunty Nat"

It feels incredibly intimate to be in the space where Natasha spends all of her time and you're unsure what to do with yourself until Nat gestures for you to sit at the edge of her bed.

You take the invitation and plop down on the gray comforter while Nat chooses to stay standing, the two of you observing each other in privacy for the first time. Your hands itch to touch her again and you have a feeling you were going to have that urge for a while.

The silence wasn't uncomfortable, but it was full of things the two of you were too afraid to say. Was it too soon to tell her how you felt? Maybe you should diffuse some of this tension between the two of you?

"So not an FBI agent then" It's the first thing that comes to mind and it feels appropriate to mention the first conversation you'd ever had for one of your first in-person conversations. Like an ode to the past but a promise of a playful future.

She smiles at the reference "Not quite" Now that the two of you are alone her expression has changed into something softer. Her once-guarded eyes now shine with an expression so profound it makes your heart ache. A permanent smile stuck on her inviting lips. Without the pressure of other people, the two of you could express your love for each other with more than just a verbal longing. Your body language spoke more than your words ever could.

You don't know if Natasha can read the emotions on your face, or if her reading them would be a good or bad thing but you know you don't want to say goodbye anytime soon.

"I think you owe me a picnic date" it's the only thing you can think to say to comprehend your desire to stay without outright asking. You hope it quells any doubts in Nat's mind that you would want anything near the opposite of being with her.

"Oh yeah?" Her reply is sultry, the rasp of her voice seems to intensify tenfold in the privacy of her room and you're suddenly aware of just how alone the two of you are. If Nat didn't want anyone to enter and interrupt then no one would dare.

You have to clear your throat before you can reply, afraid the want would be too prominent and scare her off. Truthfully she could do anything she wanted to you in this moment and you wouldn't object.

Her signature smirk is back in an instant and you're sure you've been caught just by the look in her eyes but she doesn't comment on it "I think I can do that"

Her phone buzzes in her back pocket and it reminds you that there's a world outside of the two of you- reminds you that Nat is a woman with a tough life and even tougher responsibilities. A life that you would hate to get in the way of.

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