Chapter 19

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The first thing you noticed when you woke up was that you couldn't move your shoulder. The second was the intense throbbing that made your shoulder seem like it was trying to be the drummer of a teenage boy band.

Your attempt to get up is futile as the action causes a burning pain to shoot through your arm and you end up flinging your head back onto the pillow in frustration. Sighing, you throw an arm over your eyes to block out the bright fluorescent lights. Fluorescent lighting is Satan's worst creation and your eyes already burned from all of your uncontrollable sobbing last night so it only made things worse.

What time even was it? How long have you been out?

You spot your phone plugged in on the nightstand and are surprised when it turns on when you grab it. There's a sizable crack across the screen but other than that it seems fine. You had been so sure last night that you'd have to get a new one but I guess the Gods felt bad for giving you more trauma.

The first thing you notice on your lock screen is Nat's contact photo next to a notification that reads '2 missed calls'. That message has you slamming the phone down on your lap as you recount the sound of her ringtone blaring amidst the commotion.

As if sensing you were awake your phone chimes with a message and you slowly turn it over to see Nat's contact once again. You slide open the text and reread her worried frantic texts from last night before reading her most recent one.



How are you holding up Y/n?

It's the most serious a conversation has felt with Nat in a long time and your immediate instinct is to make a joke and ease the tension in your chest but Nat is genuinely worried and you want her to know you're okay.


I'm okay.

I'm stronger than I sound Nat, I promise


I don't doubt it Y/n.

The immediate response has you huffing out a laugh and the tension in your chest eases as you remember that this is Nat you're talking to. Nat who you never feel on edge when talking to. Nat who would never judge you. Nat who worried about you so much that she called you despite it being the last thing you thought she'd ever do. Your Nat.


Yeah you should see the other guy

The eye roll emoji is the only response you get and you can almost picture the way she's shaking her head at your antics, fighting off a smile that slips through anyway. It gives you a warm tingling sensation in your body- aside from the painkillers- and the lull in your conversation allows you enough time to think about last night.

More specifically the sound of her ringtone in your ears for the first time. As much as you enjoy the playful banter you two always fall into, you find that you can't bring yourself to ignore addressing what happened this time.

You have a feeling Nat knows that too.

You struggle to find the right words, not wanting to come off too strong, and eventually settle on a simple straightforward confrontation



You called.

You figured the response would take a little bit like it usually does when the two of you talk about more serious topics-usually regarding the two of you meeting- so you set your phone down on the bed and close your eyes. Exhaling a long slow breath as you allow yourself to really process what happened last night. Nat doesn't give you a chance however, as her response is immediate and you find yourself picking your phone back up seconds after you'd put it down.

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