Chapter 31

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Her eyes flash from concern to awe before she seems to realize how many eyes are focused on the two of you. Her face quickly settles back into its neutral state and you'd probably be a little offended if you weren't also acutely aware of just how many people were watching you. Still, it didn't stop you from staring at her like she wasn't real.

Sure, you wanted to see her as soon as possible but you hadn't been expecting to see her today. Unlike her, you were unable to hide the awe from your face and you swear her lips quirked up into a quick smirk at your expression but it's gone before you can focus on it.

You don't know if it's from the crowd or her but your heart is pounding a million beats per minute and your face feels a million degrees hotter.

The people around you murmur with questions and the few reporters that were there have already snapped a hundred pictures that you're sure they're going to spin into nonsensical stories. Both you and Nat seem to get overwhelmed at the amount of eyes on you two, especially for a moment that was supposed to be so intimate.

You imagined this going a lot differently.

The suited man that grabbed you is one of many and you realize they were there protecting Nat. You almost snort at the idea but realization dawns on you; The important meeting at the courthouse. Nat was here to fight her case for the Avengers. You hadn't had the chance to check for updates when you got home.

Before you can dwell too much on the outcome of the case, a gentle grip is guiding your body and you look down to see Nat's hand around your wrist. Her skin was warm against yours. It makes you wonder if she was nervous at court. Most people would laugh at the idea but the more you've gotten to know her the more you can recognize what's real confidence and what's not. Even someone like Nat had her moments.

She leads you to a black SUV as more cameras flash and you realize it's the same SUV that was tailing you earlier. It looks similar to the ones that followed you before your trip but when Nat opens the door to the car for you those thoughts are replaced with confusion.

She wanted you to go with her? Surely this was against protocol or something? Either way, none of the men in suits make a move to stop you and you weren't going to pass up the opportunity to finally be with Natasha now that you knew who she was.

Any initial hesitation fades with one look in Nat's reassuring eyes and you're sliding into the backseat with the certainty that Nat would protect you no matter what. If not because she knew you, then because she was a hero for the public and it was her job to do so.

She slides into the backseat after you and exchanges a few words with a guy in the driver's seat apparently named 'Happy' and then you're off to your destination.

The car ride is silent for a while, neither of you knowing how to start the conversation, and you're trying not to gawk at her despite the urge to take her in after not seeing her for so long. Not to mention you're seeing her in an entirely different light.

"It's good to see you again" Her tone is oddly formal and when you gather the courage to look her in the eyes she seems more reserved than before. You're confused and a little hurt, having assumed that once you two had more privacy she would be more open but it's then that you realize she doesn't know you know.

She's talking to you as if you're still the Y/n she met at the party. The oblivious, stupid, blind Y/n. She was holding herself back from showing more emotion than would be normal for you two.

There are so many things you want to say. Things you want her to say. You want to tell her that you know who she is in a coherent and obvious way but all that comes out of your mouth is-

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