Final Authors Note!

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I can't believe this story is finally coming to an end! This is the longest story I've ever written and I'm so incredibly proud of how it turned out. It took me almost an entire year and over 130 pages of a google doc to get to this point and I'm so grateful to the people who've been following along since the beginning.

Thank you to everyone who's been so supportive and patient and to all the lovely comments you guys have left on this story, it's given me so much confidence in my writing and inspires me to continue making better stories going forward.

I do eventually want to come back and edit this story for any plot holes or grammar errors but I'm going to take a short break from posting to work on some other stories (No spoilers!) I may eventually write a few one-shots based on this story so it's not entirely over- we may get a few glimpses into Y/n and Nat's future together!

I hope you guys enjoy the finale to such a roller coaster of a story! The final chapters will be posted sometime this week/ weekend, I'm just working on perfecting them right now!

Thank you guys for all the support! ~Starry

(Check out my Tumblr under the same name for more consistent one-shots and stories!!)

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