Chapter 29

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There's nothing like the warmth of a home-cooked meal. Especially in comparison to the mediocre meals you were cooking for yourself. You like to think it heals a little part of your soul with each bite you take.

Your mother doesn't question why you suddenly accepted her offer home after months of refusing but you have a feeling she might know. She's always had weird physic mom abilities. At first, you thought you could get away with acting normal but the look she gave you when you got in her car at the airport told you you'd been caught.

Since that moment your mother has been doing an exceptional job at distracting you and you'll never be able to express just how grateful you are for her.

The few days that you've been home your mother's been parading you around town, showing you what's new and telling you stories of all the crazy things you'd do in every building, playground, and park. When you're home, your mother finds excuses to give you small brushes of physical affection and you don't realize just how lonely living by yourself has gotten until you woke up to waffles and a kiss on the forehead.

You have a small inkling that she's behind the occasional disappearance of your phone as well but you don't comment on it. It's a welcome break from the chaos of social media but you know you can't avoid your problems forever and reality hits one afternoon when your mom is out grocery shopping and your phone dings with a notification.

You pick it up to see multiple news outlets blowing up about the upcoming press conference the government will be holding to explain what happened to the Avengers and you all but rush to turn the news on the TV.

There are a few unfriendly-looking government officials in suits and balding hair standing in front of a podium full of microphones and before any of them have even spoken there's a flash of cameras from somewhere behind the camera.

One of the taller white men steps forward and the room goes silent. You're on the edge of your seat with anticipation and you're sure everyone else watching is as well. The man in the suit looks less than excited to be there and you can already tell by the look on his face that you're not going to like what he has to say. Your stomach sinks in.

"I know this has been greatly anticipated by the public and I'm sure you all have a lot of questions so I'll get straight to the point." Another camera shutter clicks. " Around a month ago we approached the Avengers group about the amount of destruction they left behind after their battles. We felt the damage was too significant to let it continue happening, so we came up with the proposal that the Avengers agree to government supervision and limitations to minimize the damages."

You let out a low hiss through your teeth as murmurs fill the conference room. You're sure most of the Avengers wouldn't have taken kindly to that situation. If you're honest you're surprised a full-out fight hadn't started. It only makes you more nervous for what's to come.

"Unfortunately, a few members of the group didn't agree with our terms and have since fled to avoid responsibility" Your blood boils at the way he's talking about the world's greatest heroes, like they're teenagers who broke the neighbors' window. You're sure they're purposely leaving out details of their contract to make the Avengers look bad. "Due to this circumstance," A woman steps from behind him and hands him a file and he opens it and begins lifting picture after picture "The following Avengers are now considered wanted felons. If you see any of them please contact your local authorities-"

He doesn't get the chance to finish his sentence as the room erupts into chaos. Reporters are shouting, cameras are flashing left and right and questions are being flung at the uncomfortable-looking officials.

You practically shoot up from your seat in outrage. The Avengers are wanted felons? What was the government thinking? Just because they wanted control over the world's strongest and smartest? You hated to think what the world would descend into now that criminals not only didn't have to fear the Avengers, but could call to get them arrested as well.

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