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"And here I am thinking 'Oh god I'm going to be kidnapped by an angry-looking puppy dog-" The people around you laugh as you tell this story for probably the twentieth time. However, one very unamused-looking puppy dog who is sitting in the corner does not laugh.

"Meanwhile I'm just trying to figure out why my potential kidnapper is buying so many plums"

Bucky groans as the rest of the group begins teasing him and he tries to defend himself to no avail. There's no escaping the roasting of both Sam and Wanda.

You look over into the kitchen during all the commotion and see Nat staring at you with a lazy smile on her face and a glass of wine in her hand. You beam in her direction and send her a wink before diving back into your story of how you two officially met.

All of the other Avengers had been curious about your presence but they'd grown used to you the more you came around, and you and Wanda had hit it off just like Nat thought you would.

It was a rocky start after you two had gotten together, Nat was still dealing with government stuff and the Avengers were divided but your support always comforted Nat, and now she had a shoulder to rest on on the days that got rough.

The rest of the Avengers seemed to enjoy your presence as well, and eventually, you'd convinced them all to do a game night together.

Tensions were high when they'd all first sat down but by the end of the night, everyone was laughing and teasing like before.

You had the biggest smile on your face that night and that was when Nat realized just how gone for you she was. She wasn't big on the idea of marriage but she bought you two promise rings the next day.

You brought her peace and happiness and helped bring her family back together. She didn't know if it was God or Fate but whoever it was she was thankful that you'd texted her that random morning.

She walked over to you and wrapped her arms around your waist, feeling you lean back into her.

When you'd finished telling your story and everyone was talking amongst themselves you turned your head to the side to catch her lips in a kiss.

"Hi Nat" You breathe out with a soft smile as soon as you pull away.

Nat smiled into your shoulder, kissing your scar lightly before speaking lowly into your ear.

"I was going through my phone listening to some of your old messages and guess what I found?" Curious and a little worried you tilt your head and make a noise of question, all while being distracted by the taste of wine that now lingered on your tongue.

Much to your horror, the sound of your voice begins playing lowly on her phone speaker

'Anyway, sorry I know that was a lot- all that to say I miss you and I love y-' You reach to shut off the voicemail as you hiss at her to turn it off, embarrassment burning your cheeks

"I thought I deleted that?!" You were so sure you'd pressed the delete button all those months ago and now you were determined to delete it for certain this time.

All your attempts to reach Nat's phone to delete the message are useless of course and you forget your mission halfway through when Nat laughs at your failure to do so. Your mission changes then, and instead of reaching for your phone, you take Nat's moment of distraction to peck a kiss on her cheek, quickly looking away to try and pretend you didn't do anything but unable to hide the blush on your face.

Her laugh stops and when you turn to look back at her the playfulness in her eyes has been replaced with a hazy dark green.

You don't even try to protest as Nat pulls you away from the group and off towards the direction of your shared bedroom.

A/n: ahhh it's finally done! I really hope you guys like this ending as much as I do. I feel like a simple domestic end is perfect for Nat and Y/n after such a rollercoaster of a relationship. Feel free to ask me any questions in the comments. I love answering them!! ~ Starry

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