Chapter 16

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Nat knew from the moment the coffee machine broke that morning that something was off about today. Tony had bots clanging in the kitchen all day and every member of the tower was on the verge of strangling him. She didn't feel up to going out though so she was forced to stay in her room all day. However, she didn't expect her evening to go from 10 to 100 in a matter of minutes. And it all started with a text from you at 11 pm.

Not unusual for you but the message lacked your usual humor



No attempt at guessing her name, no witty quip to go along with it, no extra letters or emojis.

Something was going on and she didn't like the pit forming in her stomach. This was a situation she'd never found herself in. Did she act calm? Did she... call you?

She shook her head, she could be freaking out over nothing, maybe you just had a long day and you were tired. The voice in the back of her head scoffed, Nat knew she was only trying to convince herself that these next few moments weren't about to happen.



What's going on?


Help i-

I think I'm being followed.


Think or your sure



Nat rolled her eyes. Of course, you were trying to be funny right now, humor was your biggest coping mechanism. She knew your humor was a defense against coming across as weak and vulnerable- it was an attempt to make the other person less aware of just how scared you were, but she knew. She knew you were probably shaking as you texted her and there was nothing she could do about it.



I'm sure.

Nat's heart sank.

She could get your location from your phone but could she arrive in time? You lived in Brooklyn and she was in Manhattan- 12 miles away, at her fastest, she could probably get there in 30 minutes. Not enough time. Stalkers will only follow for so long before attacking. You didn't know this man's intentions.

For you, this could be a life-or-death situation.

Still- she called Peter, he was on patrol tonight, hopefully, he was in your area. He picked up immediately, his boyish voice ringing awkwardly through her silent room. She didn't give him the time to speak more.

"Peter there's a girl in Brooklyn being followed" Her tone was solid, she couldn't let the vulnerability she felt slip through either. It's been many years since she's felt this helpless about someone she cared about. And that was not a wound she was ready to reopen. God you were bringing out every part of her.

Peter didn't ask a single question, all Nat could hear was the thwip of his webs and the rush of wind against his phone.

"I sent you the address, how close are you?" She heard the faint sound of him mumbling before Karen's robotic voice repeated your phone's location

"I'm 20 minutes away" It wasn't fast enough but it was as good as she was going to get.


It's okay Y/n

Have you called the cops?


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