Chapter 30

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The plane ride home gives you plenty of time to think. You use up half of the time trying to come up with what you'll say to Nat if you ever see her again. So far all you've come up with is-

' Hey! guess what? I figured out it was you I was talking to the whole time- oh and also I'm in love with you!' and you're pretty sure that's a bit too much to throw at her all at once.

So you use the other half of the time to sign the hundreds of petitions that people from all over the world have created to fight against your government's stupid decision. It's a rare moment where people are coming together to agree on one unanimous decision and it's kind of beautiful.

There's been people protesting outside of courthouses and social media's blowing up with reasons why the Avengers should be dropped of all their charges.

When your mom dropped you off at the airport you promised her you would tell her everything that's been going on once you finished your business and she gave you a stern look that said 'you better' before ushering you to your gate.

After a lot of contemplation, you decided you would drop off your bags at your apartment and then head to the police station to file a report about your stalking. It had been peaceful being in your hometown but now that you were back home you didn't want to spend every day living in fear of the people following you.

After that, you would head to Avengers Tower. You didn't know if they'd believe you even with all the proof you've gathered but it was worth a shot. At worst, they'd kick you out. At best, they'd let you in to wait for Nat or send her some sort of coded message to tell her you were waiting for her.

You're not sure if she'd come back just for that reason but if she at least knew you were waiting for her maybe the guilt would urge her to come back and at the very least, apologize in person.


You're a little disoriented from the jet lag when you touch down, nearly falling asleep in the Taxi to your apartment when you jolt awake at the sound of people yelling and cars honking. Out the window, there's a large crowd of people with signs heading in one direction and you're thankful you're not in it.

Your cab driver apologizes for the traffic delay, telling you that apparently there was some kind of big meeting going on at the courthouse and everyone was making a big fuss about it. You figure the news about the meeting must have dropped while you were on the plane and make a mental note to check for updates once you set your bags down.

Despite it still being around noon, exhaustion weighs heavy on your bones from the chaos of the last few days and you're more than ready for a nap as you make your way to your apartment door. It's only when you're a few inches away that you stop in your tracks. The sound of voices coming from inside your apartment.

Your whole body lights up with fear as you try to make out their conversation. From what you can tell it's two male voices and you can't help but assume it's the people who've been stalking you this past month. Their conversation is muffled but you can just make out a few of the words being said-

"Come on —---- Are you really going to —---------- at her own apartment?" Voice number 1 sounds a little exasperated and you hope you can use that to your advantage if they try to attack.

"I just want to talk to her —---" The second voice is deeper and sends a chill down your spine. What were you doing? You should be running away.

You attempt to make a silent getaway just as your next-door neighbor arrives and you plead to the gods she doesn't acknowledge you but she's always been more talkative than you'd sometimes like.

"Oh hey Y/n! Back from your trip?" She smiles at you as she unlocks her door and the voices inside your apartment still. Shit. Think fast, Y/n.

"Yeah but uh- I... think I forgot a bag in the taxi, would you mind watching this one for me real quick?" You all but shove your luggage at her and barely acknowledge her startled 'Oh sure!' before you're booking it back out of the building.

Your heart is pounding and you're not sure what to do about two grown men in your apartment but you know they heard you talk and you have to get away from them as soon as possible.

Your body's on autopilot and before you know it you're practically speed walking in the direction of the police station. At least now you could report them for breaking and entering and stalking. Maybe the police will take you more seriously then.

Halfway to the police station, you have the displeasure of noticing one of the Suv's from before is tailing you again. You don't know if it's the men from your apartment or someone else but your anxiety spikes when they speed up and you quickly turn down a random alley as they get closer.

Much to your surprise and relief, they drive past you like you aren't even there and it leaves you wondering if maybe you really were being paranoid.

Still shaken up about the men who broke in, you decide it's best if you still hurry to the police station so they have time to dust for fingerprints and maybe move you into witness protection. (you know that's only an FBI thing but it makes you feel better to think about it).

Despite the threat of the SUV being gone, you're still checking over your shoulder every few minutes to make sure no one is following you. It's for that reason that you don't even notice it when you bump into a large crowd of people.

You're immediately uncomfortable, your PTSD with crowds snapping into effect and making you go rigid with anxiety. You can't move your body as people shout and shove you in every direction. You must have accidentally stumbled into the crowd of protesters at the courthouse.

For a brief moment you think 'at least it'll be harder to track me in here' but then someone steps on your foot and you flinch back, accidentally bumping into someone else who shoves you off of them in agitation. You turn to apologize but they're already gone so you decide to try and focus on getting out.

You duck and weave through bodies but the occasional shoulder check has you feeling like you're still stuck in the middle of the madness.

Finally, you think you've found the exit as you push through the sea of people and you lurch towards open air only to be grabbed back by a man in a black suit and sunglasses.

His grip is tight and you cry out in pain at the feeling when a voice yells at him above the rest of the crowd.

"Let her go!" The voice is commanding and whoever it is must be important because the mafia/agent-looking guy immediately lets you go. You rub your tender arm and wonder if it's going to bruise when you notice the rowdy crowd has gone suspiciously quiet.

You wonder if they're all just as intimidated by the voice as the guy in the suit was when you look up and make eye contact with your savior.

A pair of strikingly familiar green eyes stare back at you with surprise.

A/n: only a few more chapters left- how we feeling? ~ Starry

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