Chapter 18

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Nat had let a small amount of relief fill her when you answered the phone only for it to vanish when all she heard was a startled "umph" before the phone hung up.

She tried not to assume the worst. She'd been in situations ten times as dangerous and intimidating so why did this feel like the most stressful situation she'd ever been in?

Was it because she couldn't do anything but sit and hope Peter got to you on time?

With nothing but frustration and anxiety coursing through her Nat began beating herself for not being able to help you. She let her adoration for you cloud her reason and now look at you?

What if the person following you was one of her enemies? She'd been taking every precaution in keeping you a secret from everyone but Clint but maybe she'd slipped up. It was just so easy to forget that she was an Avenger when she talked to you. Easy to forget her past and her duties.

She felt this overwhelming warmth and excitement about you. It scared her but at the same time she figured it was about time she let herself have something good. Something to look forward to after every mission. Something to worry about, to care for, to spoil.

A profuse longing filled her heart as she thought of you these days. An urge to wrap her arms around you for hours on end. To run her hands through your hair. To hear your laugh and be the one causing it.

She wanted to take you on better dates than Leon and spend quiet nights talking in the dark about nothing until the two of you fell asleep.

Maybe she'd even slow dance with you like Steve always talked about.

But she might not ever get that with you.

For the first time in years, she felt a profound fear overtake her. Her blood running cold and her heart pounding so hard it was all she could hear. She felt scared and frustrated at the same time.

Her throat felt so tight she felt like she might choke and tears threatened to form in her eyes.

Taking a deep shaky inhale she shook her head and tried to clear her mind.

She pressed the call button again, hoping to whatever God Steve believed in you picked up.

Your phone went to voicemail immediately.

She let out a defeated sigh just as Peter's contact photo popped up.

She hit the accept button with the anticipation that he'd found you and you were safe.

"Tell me you're there Peter."

"Uhm," his breathless voice came through " I lost her phone's location, it must have shut off or something but Karen remembers where it was and I'm almost there"

Shit, so your phone did turn off. There's no way you would've voluntarily turned it off at a time like this.

"What is- Hey!" Nat could only listen as Peter shouted and his body thumped as he hit the ground

"Peter? What's going on?"

"There's someone on the ground over here"

Nat nearly choked, running another hand through her tussled hair she shook her hands a few times to try and get rid of the numbing that was crawling up her arms.

"Is it a woman?" she tried her best to keep her voice even, she didn't need Peter to know how terrified she was.

"Uhhhh-" Agonizing seconds drew on as the sound of Peter's heavy breathing was all she could hear. The sound of an older man's voice was distant on the other side of the phone "No it's a guy, smells like he's drunk" Nat could picture Peter scrunching up his nose in disgust. "There was a girl here earlier though but she ran when she heard me"

Nat let herself relax a bit, checking her phone she saw that a police station wasn't too far from your location. You would undoubtedly go straight there.

"Uhm Miss Romanoff I think you should see this"

Her phone pinged with a photo and she sucked in her teeth when she saw it.

The photo was a picture of a darkened street, a grocery bag with a pint your favorite flavor of ice cream was melting on the ground and a few splatters of blood decorated the space around it.

She hoped it wasn't yours.

"Oh shit! Miss Romanoff this guy's bleeding. It looks like he was stabbed"

Surprise filled her at the revelation. Had you fought back and managed to get the upper hand? Was that his blood splattered on the floor?

"That fucking bitch tried to kill me!" The distant slurred voice spoke up again and Natasha's jaw set. An icy cold rage overtook her once again as she thought of all the ways she could kill this guy. It helped ease her mind.

"What should I do Miss Romanoff?" A breathless boyish voice questioned

"Bring him in Peter."

Peter agreed and told her he'd be back as soon as possible before hanging up.

Nat set her phone down and slumped on the edge of her bed. Staring at her gray sheets that you guessed correctly all that time ago. Your phone must have gotten roughed up during whatever happened and that's why you couldn't pick up. Still- that grunt that you let out before your phone turned off... she hoped you were okay.

Now that she knew you were on the path to safety she switched back to spy mode and tuned in to the police radio.

"Requesting immediate medical attention, I need an ambulance to Station 314. We have an unconscious injured female. Laceration on the shoulder and bruising on the arms, she's lost a lot of blood"

Nat reached over and grabbed her laptop, opening it up to follow the ambulance that was headed your way.

You would be fine. The police could handle your wound until the ambulance got there. She didn't know when you were stabbed but the time between when she called and when you arrived at the police station allotted enough time for you to not lose too much blood. The shoulder was a better place to be cut than the stomach or other vital organs. But she wasn't happy that you were even hurt at all.

For the next 20 minutes, she listened to the ambulance arrive and transport you to the hospital. Tapping into the paramedic's phones and then the nurses as they rush you to a room. She ensures that a doctor will treat your wounds immediately and then switches the information over to her phone when Friday tells her Peter is back.

On her way down to the interrogation room she re-opens the tab with your favorite flowers that she never dared to purchase and clicks the order button. She has them scheduled to be delivered to your room just as the elevator dings on the underground floor of the compound.

Peter is standing there rocking on his heels and he waves when he spots Nat.

"Thanks, Peter"

He smiles and bobs his head once before turning to look at the guy in the holding cell.

"Do you need me to stay, Miss Romanoff?"

She shakes her head and checks her phone again. The doctors deduce you'll need 6 stitches for your wound which means the knife cut at least an inch deep.

Nat clenches her jaw and tightens her grip around her phone, barely looking up she speaks to Peter

"You should probably get back on patrol before Stark throws a fit."

The Young Avenger agrees and heads off with a quick 'good luck'. She finds it cute that he thinks she's the one who needs luck.

Typing in the code on the keypad, she checks your condition one last time before entering the cell.

Face blank and demeanor cold she thinks Peter really should have wished this guy good luck. 

A/n: Nat is about to fuck this guy up ^.^ Anyway, their first face to face encounter is literally just around the corner!!~ Starry

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