Chapter 11

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When you got home you immediately called your mom to tell her about Leon. You explained your whole day and how you felt a new surge in energy and determination just from one date- could you even call it a date? It felt like one.

Your mother was happy for you but in true mother fashion, she urged you to be cautious and not jump into things too quickly. You assured her you would be careful but you couldn't help but wish she was a little more excited for you.

After all, it was so hard for you to make friends let alone find someone interested in you, this guy was like a dream come true.

He wasn't Captain America-level hot but he made up for it with personality

In hopes of receiving a warmer response- and not because you missed her or anything- you broke your silent streak and texted Nat the good news.


Nat didn't know what to do when you texted her that you wished you could hear her voice. Part of her was scared at just how eager she was to give in to your request, how keen she was to hear your voice, how close she'd been to hitting that call button that haunted her day in and day out.

But you would know.

You knew what The Black Widow sounded like, you'd watched her interviews, you would recognize her voice and that would complicate things.

Would you be mad at her for not telling you?

Would you be weirded out?

Would you give out her number?

She didn't think you were the kind of person who would do that but it was in her nature to be cautious of everyone and everything. She knew it was probably hurting you that she wasn't comfortable enough to talk to you but she was scared and that scared her.

She was The Black Widow for fucks sake, she didn't get scared, especially not of...well you.

At least that's what she was trying to convince herself.

Because maybe deep down she knew that she'd already let you in more than she'd meant to.

Deep down she knew she cared about you, and caring was a weakness.

So she spent her Sunday in the training room working off her frustration and she went on her mission and let it consume her mind. She tried to ignore the concerned looks Steve would give her, and the curious ones Clint would throw her way. It was hard being around people who knew you so well.

Both men had noticed the change in her, from someone who wasn't very interested in social media to suddenly texting every day. They had tried to coax it out of her but she wasn't ready to share you with anyone yet, let alone admit that she had grown attached to someone. She was sure both men would scold her for trusting someone over text but she was smart and she did her research on you.

She knew the school you graduated from, the business where you worked, the name of your first pet. She was thorough and although the rest of The Avengers never underestimated her, it seemed like sometimes they forgot how prepared she was in every situation.

Every situation but this one it seemed. Emotions were not her forte.

So she let you go silent because she didn't know what else to do, a part of her was worried as time went on that you weren't going to text her ever again but come Saturday evening her phone pinged with a notification and her heart skipped a beat at the familiar ice cream emoji that popped up.

She refused to acknowledge just how fast she opened her phone and clicked on the message.

However, her anticipation and relief were quickly replaced by a pit in her stomach as she read and re-read your text.



I met a guy!

Nat recognized the feeling in her chest as the same one that she'd felt when she'd met Peter and Wanda. There was an initial protectiveness over their naivety and kindness.

She felt something akin to that now and she didn't know why.

Perhaps it was because you were a young woman living alone in New York and it was her job to protect people like you. But a deeper part of her recognized that wasn't the case.

She was worried about you, she had missed you, and while she had been brooding about if you'd ever talk to her again you'd been out meeting new people.

She knew she didn't have a right to be upset though. It was her who'd made you upset. She never texted first. She tried to be reserved.

And you texted her with so much excitement.

She couldn't bring herself to ruin your joy- or your silent forgiveness of her actions.



Like an actual guy or?



I talk to real people you know


Yes, the tennis ball and basketball

with googly eyes.

They are very real Y/n, I know.


Someone had extra sassy juice today


Well I own the company

I have to taste-test the products


Well for your information

This volley-ball with eyes

is cute and wears a leather jacket


Hold on- Why do I hear faint music playing

in the background?

Oh wait, my limbs are moving on their own.

I feel a dance coming on


You ass!

He's very real!

His name is Leon.


Leon backward is Noel

You met a Christmas elf.


Tell Santa I said hi!


OkAy but really-

Can I tell you about him?



You can tell me anything, Y/n.


You had no idea just how true that statement was. Even if Nat didn't care about the topic she would listen to you for hours if it made you happy. 

A/n: Nat's Back!! But how will Y/n and Nat interact when this third person enters the story?~Starry

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