Chapter 2

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To give you some credit, you'd lasted virtually all week long and had managed to only reread the messages sent between you two thirteen times, but your curiosity once again got the better of you, so here you were sitting on your couch rewatching Criminal Minds for the 5th time when you picked up your phone and typed out a quick message

Unknown contact


Are you a man or a woman?

Or is that classified?

You snickered to yourself at the tv show reference. Much to your surprise the response was immediate, although on a Friday evening, you supposed they probably had nothing better to do. Actually, scratch that- a lot of people had plenty to do on Friday nights you were just a loner, but maybe they were too? Your stomach fluttered a bit, it would be nice to have someone to relate to. Maybe that's why you couldn't delete the number- it's been a long time since you've had a real conversation with someone other than coworkers and family. And that wasn't to say they weren't nice but... you did get pretty lonely by yourself, this random stranger on the internet at least brought something interesting to your life.

Unknown contact


A woman.


Nice! Me too!

I'm glad you're a woman cause if you were a man I might have to stop talking to you




Because you could be a pedo

And trust women more than men B)


I can understand that.

But women can also be dangerous



So how was your week?


I thought I told you

To lose this number?


Awe come one :(

I thought we had something




This could be the start of something new


Did you just quote High School Musical?

Y/n: maybe 😐

You anxiously watched the three dots appear and then disappear multiple times, after they'd disappeared for a full minute you decided maybe she was finally done talking to you and you put your phone down, at least you'd gotten a little bit of information about her.

You got up from the couch and grabbed some ice cream from the freezer, not even bothering with putting it in a bowl since you lived alone and had no one to share it with. Tragic.

You were two scoops in when your phone chimed again and you nearly threw your ice cream to pick it up, you really shouldn't be this desperate to text a stranger on the internet but your life was boring and this was the only thing you really had to look forward to.

Number Neighbors- Natasha Romanoff  x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now