Chapter 10

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You layed in bed as the sun shone through your curtains, it was well past the time you would usually wake up but who could blame you, weekends were your happy place. Although as of late you'd been getting your source of serotonin from somewhere else. You rolled over and picked up your phone, checking the time. Noon. nice.

You tried not to be disappointed at the lack of notifications on your screen, it's not like you got messages from anything but take-out places and...

You sighed, Nat hadn't responded for an entire week now.

You knew she told you about how her job would cause her to go remote but it didn't make it any easier, and after last weekend... god you needed to get a life. You really couldn't let your whole life revolve around one woman you met on the internet. So what if she makes you laugh harder than you ever have in your life, and listens better than the copper statues in the park downtown?

You wondered if she even considered you a friend in the same way you did her.

The fact that she hadn't blocked you yet meant she was at least entertained by your personality but did she feel the same connection you did? The same loneliness when you didn't text her back for a while (not that it was ever that long). Did you help her unwind after a long day at work as well?

You sighed, pulling the covers over your face and groaning. Maybe you were becoming too dependent on someone who only saw you as entertainment. The one time you decide to try something new ends up with you having a quarter-life crisis, it's just your luck.

You layed in bed staring at the ceiling until a sudden wave of irritation washed over you, you were not going to waste the rest of the day wallowing in self-pity like this.

You threw the covers off of your body, a newborn determination in your bones.

Today you were going to try something new and it was going to be great. You'd make sure of it.


Your initial intention had been to try a new activity; pottery or rug making or something hands on but when your stomach grumbled you figured a new restaurant was still as adventurous as you were looking for.

You weren't in a particular mood for anything so you entered "restaurants near me" into your phone and scrolled until you found a cute retro-looking diner that was only a thirty-minute walk from you.

You could use the fresh air and the exercise so you clicked on the directions and placed your headphones into your ears as you began walking down the street.

The diner was as cute as the pictures had shown, if not cuter. The retro 70's style of the seats and decor was always a style you'd been a fan of. It was the kind of place where a lot of influencers would probably come to take pictures. You wondered why you'd never come across this place only to spot the "Just opened!" sign on the cherry red counter.

As soon as you sit down you're approached by a man who seems too cute to be a server, he's dressed in a leather jacket and jeans with a simple white T-shirt underneath. He looks like he's straight out of Grease and it almost makes you laugh at how much he fits in.

Much to your surprise, the handsome stranger pulls a notebook and pen out of his pocket and smiles at you.

"What can I get for a pretty lady such as yourself?"

The compliment makes you blush and you quickly realize that he fit in so well because he did work here. You figured there would be some sort of uniform or apron the servers would have to wear but apparently, they were all free to come dressed like they just walked out of a teenage vampire TV series.

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