Chapter 21

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You weren't freaking out. You weren't. Except maybe you were because your friend decided to leave out one very crucial detail about the party you were accompanying her to.

"You didn't tell me it was at Avengers Tower!?" You gape as you crane your neck to get a full view of the tower. You'd walked past it a few times before, heck you'd even been in the lobby for a few events they'd done but now you were about to go to an actual floor of the tower. The very tower the Avengers live in?? You were going to pass out...

"Well, it is hosted by Tony Stark" Your head whips towards your coworker and you can't tell if the feeling that suddenly floods you is nerves or excitement but either way you feel like you're going to explode. All over this very expensive tower.

"What?" You watch as she pulls a very fancy-looking invitation out of her purse and you're so tempted to ask how she even got invited but the other part of you is still flabbergasted at the fact that you're probably going to at one point talk to at least one Avenger.

God what if it's-

"Did I forget to mention that?" Your friend tilts her head as if it's a completely inconsequential fact and you immediately turn around to go home

"I can't do this"

A hand on your wrist stops you as you're pulled back to your companion. Thankfully she pulled you back by your uninjured arm, otherwise, it would've hurt like a bitch. You were lucky enough to find some skin color bandages and concealer to hide it for the most part.

"C'mon Y/n, you never hang out with anyone from work! Plus you really need to get out and socialize, you spend too much time smiling at your phone. You can text your girlfriend later!"

She pulls you into the tower and your body follows her on auto-pilot. It's the second time someone's referred to Nat as your girlfriend and it makes you wonder just how whipped you must look texting her for other people to automatically assume she's your partner.

When you focus back in on your surroundings before you can spiral you're met with the imminent doom of two elevator doors closing in front of you. The two of you are the only ones in the elevator and your panicked face is met with a confused smile.

"What's up with you?" Your coworker is being an absolute sweetheart considering how not normal your reaction is to this party so you take a few deep breaths and try to calm your racing mind

"I can't go up there, Natasha Romanoff is up there"

She tilts her head once more and stares at you with an inquisitive look "Are you scared of her?"

Your head is rapidly shaking before you can even get the words out "What? No! Of course not!"

You can't get your eyes to meet hers though as a blush creeps up to your cheeks. The elevator is silent as it slowly climbs floor by floor and you think she's just going to drop it when her sudden exclamation makes you flinch

"Oh my God! You have a crush on her don't you?"

You're more than a little embarrassed to admit it, your mother was tired of how often you talked about her, and your old friends used to tease you endlessly about your one-sided love. "It's not like that!"

But... lately, she wasn't on your mind as often. She always seemed like someone you could project your romantic fantasies onto because you knew there was no way in the world she could ever like you back, but now that you had someone real... "She's just... she's just really cool, okay?"

You still admired her and wanted to thank her for saving your life that day but now someone else occupied your heart. It wasn't going to stop you from blushing around her though, she was endlessly gorgeous.

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