Chapter 27

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Nat's been more than exhausted these past few weeks as she drafts up argument after argument that she can use against the government to justify why she and her fellow Avengers shouldn't be put on a leash. She knows it's a long shot and she doesn't have enough witness accounts or evidence yet but she's been hearing about the crime rate spike through the rumor mill and she hopes that soon enough she'll have enough to come back.

She can bring her family back and finally have you. If you'll still have her after all of this is over. She knows you'd have every right to be mad but she hopes you'll understand enough to at least let her take you on one date.

The rain pelts outside of her window as it has been for the last three days and she sighs as she lies back on her pull-out bed. If it were under different circumstances she might've been able to appreciate the break from the city and the pressure. Maybe she could even come back to these woods with Clint, or Wanda, or...You.

She's working hard to make sure her family is safe, yes, but she'd be lying if she said she wasn't working this hard to also see you again. To finally know what it feels like to hold you, to run her fingers through your hair, and hear you laugh again. The thought of you has been the only thing that's brought her comfort these past few weeks.

Her computer dings with an email and she shoots up immediately, grabbing the shiny object from the side table next to her and pulling it onto her lap. She wasn't expecting any emails while she was out here and her mind jumped to the worst-case scenario: they'd found her location.

The email is from an unknown sender which only makes her more uneasy and she's more frustrated than anything that she'll have to find a new place to hide when she recognizes the encrypted link hidden in the email's coding.

It was a website Clint had created just for the two of them to communicate in case there was ever a situation similar to this. She's afraid to admit just how comforting it was to hear from someone close to her after weeks of no contact. She quickly opens the website and reads the messages.


Hey Natty, hope you're having fun wherever you've parked that trailer of yours, Tony's been a real pain in the butt but we're trying to negotiate some better terms with some government officials. I know you're probably working on a solution of your own but I've got to at least pretend like I contribute to this group-

She snorts at the self-jab, knowing her fellow Avenger couldn't care less about the insults people say about him being the least skilled Avenger. She always admired that about him.


Anyway, your phone's been blowing up. I think Tony is getting suspicious so I took it and hid it in my room. I think you're gonna be in deep shit with your girlfriend when you get back haha.

I attached the voicemails you've been getting, I didn't listen to them but I saw who they were from. Thought they might be important.

Nat's heart pounded as she stared at the attached files, there were at least 30 voicemails from you varying in different lengths and part of her was scared to open them. There was no doubt a few of them were just you yelling at her but even then she'd missed the sound of your voice so much that she'd take your irritation over anything else.

She hesitates over the first voicemail with her cursor but clicks it before she can sike herself out. There's a little bit of silence and she wonders if you're going to talk before she hears a small sniffle and her heart breaks. She swore to herself she'd never make you cry and now she'd failed, the sound of your quiet crying echoing throughout her trailer only amplifying her defeat.

It's another thirty seconds before your voice finally breaks through. It's rough and raw and she can tell you'd probably been crying for a while.

"Nat? Where did you go? Why'd you leave? Listen- we don't have to meet if you don't want to. We can keep texting forever just don't ghost me like this. Please." It's short and by how broken your last word sounded she can tell you were probably thrown into another fit of sobs after you ended the message.

Nat doesn't know what to do with herself, her body feels frozen and her heart won't stop sinking further into her stomach. She's never heard you sound so unsure of yourself before and it tears her apart that she's the one who made you that way. It takes her a few minutes to muster up the courage to click on another one.

"What kind of person just says 'I'm sorry?' I deserve a better explanation than that! You couldn't have at least lied to me about going to save baby animals in Africa where there's no cell service? At least then when you stopped responding I could've felt better!" She's not surprised that you're mad at her, you deserve to be, but it doesn't stop the guilt from gnawing at her chest when she hears how irked you are.

The next few are similar in the fact that they're either angry or spoken through tears but they slowly begin transitioning into something else. Eventually, you stop talking about her leaving and start talking about yourself. What you did that day, what you're making for dinner, the cat you've been visiting at the cat cafe. There's still a hint of sadness in your tone but she can tell the calls are a form of therapy for you. A way for Nat to be there when she's not really there.

She wants to be there. She wants to be the one you're talking about your day with, wants to cook you dinner while you sit on the counter and visit the cat cafe with you. It hurts that she can't do that and as she's listening she feels her eyes burn with tears. She refuses to let them fall. She's not the one who gets to cry in this scenario and yet her eyes refuse to give up their unshed tears.

There's one last voicemail from a day ago and she clicks on it expecting it to be like the others but much to her surprise you're talking about her again.

"I think I'm mad because I can't even bring myself to hate you for it. I know you've probably got some shit going on. I understand that, trust me. But- I don't know you could've... maybe it's too much of me to ask you to fill me in on the situation- or let me know when you'd be back... Is this goodbye?"

Your static voice rings out into the silence and Nat hates how you sound. Reserved- almost accepting. Like you've convinced yourself she's never going to respond again and she hates it. She hates that she made you so insecure that you think she isn't spending every hour thinking of you and how to get back to you.

The sound of your voice fills her with even more determination as she begins redrafting her court argument. She was going to come back to you, you just had to wait for her a little longer.

A/n: Aww Nat :( ~ Starry

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