Chapter 23

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You were right that your coworker had wanted to introduce you to the group of people she'd been having a conversation with, but in their defense, they were incredibly friendly and hilarious. You felt good when they all asked for your number so you could keep in contact.

This is exactly what you'd been hoping for when you decided to come, although you've already gotten more than you bargained for. Your gaze drifted over to the bar for the thousandth time that night. The redhead had long left to go socialize with the other party go-ers but you'd been replaying your interaction over and over.

It was far from the kind of interaction you'd expected to have with her, and once your heart had finally had time to calm down you realized that you forgot to thank her for saving your life.

But she wanted to see you again. She told you to find her. You still had the chance.

The room was beginning to get a bit stuffy and warm and you weren't sure whether it was from the bodies or the alcohol, probably both. Either way, it made you crave fresh air so the second there was a break in the conversation you excused yourself. Your friend tossed you a concerned glance but you shook your head with a smile, assuring her that you were just needing some air.

The cool night air was a refreshing welcome compared to inside and you were glad to see you were the only one out there.

You leaned against the wall and let the sounds of busy nighttime New York wash over you. The non-stop honking of cars and loud exclamations of drunk bar hoppers were a constant you were long familiar with. It was baseless noise for some but for you it was familiar.

The view from the balcony was by far the best you'd ever experienced as well. Avengers Tower was one of the tallest buildings in New York and you could see why people were desperate to be invited. You'd pay good money just to see your city from this spot every night.

You're caught up in your silent admiration when a figure appears next to you, taking up the wall space as they copy your body language and lean against the cool material with their arms crossed.

You look up at the figure, surprised to see Natasha's soft smile peering down at you. She told you to find her later and yet here she was finding you. You hadn't even heard her come outside.

You smile back at her, glad that the two of you got another chance to talk, this time in a more private location. You honestly weren't sure if you were going to be able to see her again, it was nearing 1 AM and the party guests who hadn't gotten the chance to talk to Tony yet were stubbornly determined to meet him despite their obvious exhaustion.

Even you were on the verge of slumping onto a very expensive couch and taking a nap but that didn't seem very socially acceptable right now. But your energy has been fully renewed just by Nat's presence. Nobody could ever say Nat didn't have a superpower ever again.

Despite your exhaustion, Natasha doesn't even look fazed despite having to make drinks and network all night.

"You do this whole party thing too often don't you?"

She smirks at you, a look you're much more familiar with than the soft smile she was giving you a second ago.

"You have no idea" There's an uproar of laughter from inside, coming from the crowd surrounding Stark, and Nat rolls her eyes as if proving her point.

A chill runs through your body when a strong breeze catches the wind. There were pros and cons to being up this high. It makes you remember when you were younger, everything was so tall compared to you. You used to have a fear of heights. You wondered if Natasha had a fear of heights when she was young. If she's ever had a fear of anything or if she was always as fearless as the first time you saw her, defending the world from aliens.

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