Chapter 32

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Nat tells you everything about what happened a month ago, including some details you were probably not authorized to know. She seems determined to get you to understand her no matter what and you're endeared at how important it is to her that you know absolutely everything.

You take note of the fact that you're definitely past Avengers Tower and are now in what looks like rural New York. There are more trees and greenery around and you're curious about where you're going but you focus your attention on Natasha for now.

You listen to her story diligently and with as much empathy for both sides as you can. You can understand why none of the other Avengers wanted to be the government's lap dogs but you also understood that fear was a powerful thing. You subconsciously rub your healing scar at the thought.

When she finishes her explanation she seems to look at you expectantly, waiting for your response and you take a moment to formulate the right words in your head before speaking-

"You left me with no contact and I'm trying my best to understand your situation but it doesn't stop the fact that I was still hurt by it" It's a painful truth but if Nat could share her vulnerability with you than you could do the same.

"I know. I know and I'll spend however long you need me to making up for it. I'm sorry Y/n. You have to know that it hurt me so much to hurt you."

"You're already forgiven"

"That was fast" She seems surprised and even a little amused at the quickness of your forgiveness and you shrug

"If I'm honest, I forgave you the second I saw you. I missed you, Nat. I'm just glad you're home safe" Her eyes hold a look so full of admiration that you have to force yourself to look away. If she keeps looking at you like that you're not sure what you'll do.

To distract yourself, you urge her to continue her story and resist the need to pull her lips to yours. You hope she doesn't notice the way your eyes subconsciously go to her mouth when she begins talking again but your chances are slim with a super spy.

If she notices she doesn't say anything and you have to wonder if it's due to the presence of someone else nearby. You can't help but be a little frustrated- would you two ever get a moment alone together? To say what you've been itching to say since you found her again?

Natasha tells you about being lonely and drafting argument after argument with Clint. Waiting for the right moment to come back.

"Honestly we thought it was going to be another half a month at least but I rushed the process." You might be hallucinating but you're pretty sure there's a light blush on her cheeks. " Even if the argument wasn't perfect there was something important I had to come home to."

You nod in understanding, you're sure it's not easy being in her position "Yeah, the world needs its heroes"

She gives you a look that seems to say 'That's not exactly the reason' but you can't think of any other reasons for her to rush something so important to them. The risk seems to have been worth the reward for her.

Seeing that you're not understanding, she drops the look and continues with her story "Anyway, with the government facing so much heat from the public combined with our statement they had no choice but to agree or they would be out of heroes the next time aliens came knocking on Earth's door."

You resist the urge to first pump the air at the news. Surely that meant she would be around often right? At the very least you could visit her as a friend, even if every part of you was madly in love with her.

Much to your surprise, the car eventually pulls into a large gray and white building in the middle of nowhere surrounded by trees. The driver drops you off at a side door before pulling off to another part of the building and you stare in awe at the huge building with the Avengers 'A' printed on every part.

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