Chapter 20

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When you're finally released from the hospital they send you home with a list of instructions on how to take care of your wound and some medication. You sigh in relief at the sight of your apartment, it wasn't the most extravagant place but it was comfortable and familiar, and you had actual food here.

Tired of hospital food, you head straight for the kitchen when you spot the roses Leon had sent you. They're still fresh and it doesn't feel right to just throw them out considering you two ended on a good note. Instead, you set your bouquet from Nat on the counter and take apart the roses from Leon. You individually wrap them in some leftover tissue paper and despite your stomach grumbling you head back out of your apartment.

You head to the park closest to your house and begin handing the roses out to random strangers you pass. An old lady sitting by herself, a man and his dog, and a group of women walking down the sidewalk. The deed makes you feel good about yourself and the smiles on their faces help remind you of all the good things in life.

It's a reminder you need after what happened.

You go to hand the last rose to a woman sitting on a bench on her phone when she looks up and you realize you recognize her

"Y/n! Oh my god!" You smile down at your coworker and her face lights up when you hand her the rose. "This is so sweet, thank you" You're prepared to bid her a good weekend and leave when she stops you, grabbing your arm.

"Wait- okay this might be kind of short notice but there's this party coming up in a week and I really don't want to go alone- plus you promised me we'd start hanging out"

You do vaguely remember promising one of your coworkers that you two would start hanging out after you bonded over workplace struggles. Parties aren't normally your thing but she's got this bright and hopeful look in her eyes and honestly, you could probably use the socialization.

Shrugging, you figure it wouldn't hurt to go, your habit of spending your weekends cuddled up with your TV and your snacks had been less and less appealing these past months anyway.

"Sounds like fun! Will you text me the details?" She nods excitedly and hugs you and it makes you think of your mother. She would be so excited to hear how outgoing you've become and you can't help but think it was all because of Nat. Not because she told you to go out (Although she did so very often), but because her presence just seemed to have that impact. Her sass and humor pulled you out of the slump that you'd been stuck in for what felt like forever. In the past few months, you've done things you hadn't done in years and it felt amazing.

You waved goodbye to your coworker with the promise of texting her more often and headed home.

You didn't know why but you had a feeling everything was going to change next weekend.


You weren't panicking. You weren't. You just hadn't been to a party in a long time and your coworker definitely forgot to mention just how fancy the dress code was and now she was coming in half an hour to pick you up and you had no idea what to wear.

So obviously after a 5 minute mini-panic attack, you opened your phone to text Nat



I'm having a crisis



What's going on?


I have a party tonight and

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