Chapter 5

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I wasn't sure where I was, just that I was still in a wooded area with large rocks. We must be near mountains I thought as the terrain started to get rougher. After about three hours of walking I started to hear loud booming sounds. Thinking it was the people I just escaped from I looked around for a hiding spot. Looking up I was able to find, a large cave in the side of the mountain. Looking out I could see a large blue beam of light shooting up towards the sky. The beam created a large hole, which things started to appear out of.

"What do you think that is?" I asked Artemis.

"I don't know, but I don't think its from the people we just escaped from. We should check it out."

"Why the hell would we go towards the things falling from the sky? That sounds like a horrible plan."

"We don't need to get really close, but we should try to find out what those things are."

I huffed knowing Artemis was right. We didn't need to be in the open and be seen. Shaking out my coat again, I started to trot towards the beam. As we got closer, the sound of the booms were louder. Now you could hear screeching and screaming, along with a popping noise along with what sounded like large objects crashing together. We came to the edge of the forest. We still couldn't see much as large structures were blocking out view.

"Artemis, I think this was a bad idea. We cant see anything."

"Stay in the shadows, we need to get closer."

Again I huffed. This stupid wolf is going to get us killed, I thought. "HEY! This stupid wolf is apart of you idiot. I can hear everything you think. We are one mind. Not to mention I got us out of that hell hole." I didn't have a comeback for any of that. Artemis was right. She got us out, she kept us going for all those years.

"You're right. I'm sorry"

"Whatever, now hurry up before someone sees us."

Taking a quick glance around to make sure no one was around or watching, I made a dash for a small area between the two buildings. As I walked down the small path, I started to smell this wonderful smell. It smelled like Jasmine and vanilla, with a mix of leather. Artemis started to go nuts in my head screaming mate over and over again.

"We found mate, we found mate! Hurry, we need to find them."

I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited we had found our mate. I thought for sure that would never happen after we were taken. I couldn't help to be nervous though. Not only was I nervous because it's mate, but also because the only person I trust now was Artemis. Burying my feeling down for now, I kept walking on the path until the shadows stopped. Looking out, all I saw was destruction. I started getting flashbacks of when my home was attacked. Seeing the fires, people laying on the ground motionless. It became to much.

"Artemis, I don't think I can do this."

"I know, I'm thinking about them too. We need to go though. We cant stay here. Lets just try to find mate and go."

"What if mate is like them. What if they hurt us too."

"Alex, mates are made for each other. Mate could never hurt us, it's in our nature."

Peaking my head out again to make sure we were in the clear, I took a deep breath and ran for another shadowed path. I kept sniffing the air. The smell of mate getting stronger, but the sounds were getting louder. Now I could hear the sound of pops going off, one after another. Looking out again between building, I saw these weird looking creatures with spears, some of the creatures were even flying. Looking the other way I got a glimpse of read hair. Smelling the air again, the smell was coming from their direction.

"MATE! MATE! WE FOUND MATE! GO ALEX, WE NEED TO BE WITH MATE" Artemis screamed in excitement in my head as she bounced around like a pup.

"In the name of the Moon Goddess, will you chill the fuck out."

Artemis gasped and stopped all movement. I could feel the icy glare she gave me. "Don't you ever take the Moon Goddess's name in vain like that." I couldn't help the eye roll I gave in response. "Now.... MATE!" she started screaming again while bouncing around.

"If I go over there will you stop"

"YES!" For the love of peace in my mind and to stop the crazy ass wolf in my head, I ran towards mate. I could see one of the things sneaking up behind her. The thought of losing mate, before we even met them, pushed me to go faster. Right as the thing rose it's spear I jumped on him and bit him in the neck. I shook my head ripping out his throat.

"Holy shit." I looked up at the heavenly voice. Turning back at the redhead.

"Romanoff! You alright?" I could hear the voice but looking around, we were all alone. I tilt me head in confusion, trying to figure out where the voice was coming from.

"Yeah, there's a giant wolf standing in front of me though" I started to take a step towards. She rose her weapon towards me, making me stop instantly.

"Artemis, you said she wouldn't hurt us. She wants to hurt us." I let out a whine and tilted me head at the redhead.

"Great, aliens and now a wolf. What's next, bigfoot?" the voice said.

"Well, we do have Hulk..." another voice said.

I tried to get closer to her again. I heard a click and stopped. "Don't come any closer." the redhead said.

I let out a high pitched whine and bowed my head. "Artemis she doesn't want us. I told you this was a bad idea."

"I don't understand, She's mate. She was made for us." Artemis replied heartbroken.

Taking a few steps back, but still watching the redhead.

"Romanoff, do you still have eyes on the wolf."

"Yeah Cap. It's just staring at me and whining. I'm not sure what to do, It took down one of the Chitauri though."

"Does it look like its going to attack?"

"No" I watched as the redhead kept talking to herself, but I could still hear the other voices.

"Artemis what do we do. Mate doesn't want us."

"Lets just go." She responded in a defeated voice.

I took another step back then turned and ran back down the shadowy path, not taking another glance back. "Since mate doesn't want us, let try to find our way back home."


The presence of the wolf shocked me, even though at this point, nothing should shock me. I'm fighting with a 100 year old, a god, and a man that turns into a giant green monster against an army of aliens. I watched the Wolf run down an alley. Once it turned the corner, I looked back at the alien it took down. Why would it not attack me too? I'm not sure by gun would have been any use against it. It was easily five feet tall.

"Nat! Nat, you okay?" Clint asked.

"Yeah, the wolf is gone."

"What do you mean gone? Like you killed it or it ran off" Stark replied.

"As in it ran off Tin Can."

"Well that's just great! Now we are going to have to deal with that after this." Stark replied. God I hate that man. I didn't bother replying to him. As I made my way towards Cap. We need to find a way to end this.

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