Chapter 17

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Steve's POV

I stood tall, shoulders straight with my shield at my side and approached the cell. I was not going to be intimidated by an oversized dog. The very second, I came into the dog's view, it started growling and snarling. I turned towards it and observed it. It stood crouched low to the ground, ears back, hair raised and showing as much teeth as it could. Not wanting to be intimidated I gave one hard bang on the glass with my shield. Which only made matters worse, as it lunged at the glass. A loud bang was heard when its body hit the surface. A small crack forming. The beast backed up again and went for another attack. I put my shield up in preparation for the glass to break. Next thing I know, the beast is on top of me, scratching at my shield. Yelling was heard from down the hall, then a yelp. I looked over my shield and saw 5 darts in the beast side as it stumbled back before collapsing unconscious.

I kept an eye on the beast as I stood up. Once I was certain it was out cold, I turned towards the group, only to be met with a punch to the face from a furious Russian.

Natasha's POV

Furious was an understatement for how I felt right now. Steve did nothing but antagonize the wolf, practically forcing it to attack him. He deserved more than just the one punch to the face, he deserved an entire ass kicking. One that I will make certain he gets next time we spar.

Fury: "Get the wolf in another cell and make sure its chained. We can't have it breaking more cells. Rodgers, what the hell was that?"

S: "It's a wild animal and can't be trusted. You saw what it did! It attacked me!"

F: "What I saw was a dumb ass antagonizing an animal. How do you think an animal will react? Did you honestly think it would do nothing when you hit the glass with your shield? You wouldn't have even needed the shield if you would have done what was asked."

S: "I needed the shield for my protection. We have no idea what that thing is capable of."

F: "Captain, you're a six-foot tall, enhanced human. Agent Hill, who is half your size went in there unarmed as was nearly able to pet the damn thing. Hell Romanoff has pet the damn thing like it was a five-pound puppy." Fury turned to me. "Romanoff, we will continue this later. I will give it another chance, but if it acts like that again it will be put down."

N: "Sir, there's more to the wolf than any of us realizes."

F: "What exactly are you talking about here Agent?"

N: "I'll explain everything Sir, but not here."

F: "Hill, Stay here with the wolf. Make sure none of these idiots go near it until I get back. I want to be notified once it is awake. Is that clear?"

H: "Yes Sir."

F: "Let's go Agent Romanoff." Fury turned and walked away. I stayed back a second and made sure everyone, especially Rogers left. I followed Fury back to the parking garage. "I take it since it was clear you didn't want the others to know what's going on, we could take this conversation back to my office at SHIELD."

On the way to HQ, I thought of how exactly I was going to explain everything. If I don't, and she reacts to one of the other guys, Fury will not hesitate to put her down. Before I knew it, I was walking into Fury's office. He sat down behind his desk and motioned me to have a seat.

F: "Alright Romanoff, now explain."

N: "Sir, as weird as this conversation will be, I need you to keep an open mind. That wolf is not just a wolf. She's a werewolf, the last of her former pack. I don't know the whole story, but we can't just put her down."

F: "You want me to believe that wolf is half human? I hope you have some proof to this."

N: "Sir, when we found her, she had a backpack filled with clothes, food and these pictures. I was sitting next to her looking through then when she gave me a look of betrayal. She communicated with me to turn the cameras off. Thats when she shifted and told me about some of the pictures. She explained who these people were. This boy here, she said she couldn't even look at let alone talk about him. She had scars covering her body. Fury, I'm telling you there's more going on here. It's clear she has a fear of men, that's why she is reacting how she is. Before we all met back at the tower, Steve and Banner came rushing down and she shifted back, stood in front of me and didn't want me near them. I had to coax her into letting me leave the cell. You took a chance on me, now I'm asking you to take a chance on her. I fully believe she will be an important piece to the team. She just needs work."

F: "That was quite the speech. How do you know she didn't just make up a story for the pictures? Have you looked into any of this?"

N: "I looked into it a little bit, but not enough. I don't believe this will be something simple to find and will need her cooperation. If we kill her now, we are no better than the people that gave her those scars. We would be no better than the Red Room and Dreykov,"

F: "I still want to know how extensive this male vs female behavior is. I'm surprised Hill could get as far as she could. Alright Romanoff, I'm leaving it up to you to get to the very bottom of everything, and when I saw everything, I mean everything."

N: "Thank you, Sir."

F: "Now let's get back there before Rogers or Stark do something stupid.


This is a shorter chapter, but I didn't want to break up the "experiment too much". Let me know your thoughts on this part of the story. To be honest, I'm struggling a little with it, so please comment. Thanks again for the support. Going to try and get a few more chapters done this week. 

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