Chapter 13

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What's up guys! Thank you for reading my story. There will be another announcement at the end that I'm looking for an opinion on/vote, so please comment what you want to see. So far, the story is doing much better than I thought it would. I have tried writing in the past on other sites and it did not go well at all, so thank you again. I know the last chapter was all Nat, but Alex and Artemis will be making their comeback soon. This Chapter will be a lot of dialogs and I'm changing the format of who is talking a little bit. Now, on with the story.

No one's POV

The quinjet landed on the landing platform on the tower. Clint and Natasha stepped off the ramp each holding 2 bags and Natasha had the large painting that she found. As they made their way into the tower they were met with Tony and Steve.

"Any change with the wolf?" Natasha asked.

"No, it's still unconscious. Find anything?" Steve replied.

"Yeah, about that. We need a team meeting." Clint said looking at Nat who just nodded their head."

"Okay... I'll have J.A.R.V.I.S make the announcement." Tony said.

"Have everyone bring their laptops or tablets too. Any results from the blood test?" Natasha added.

"Yeah, we can go over that too."

The four avengers made their way into the tower, heading their separate ways to gather the material they needed for the meeting. Once everyone was gathered. Natasha started the meeting. "Before we go through what we found, what were the results of the blood test?"

T: "Well, the first test showed canine DNA, but also showed human DNA. We ran it again since we thought it may have been contaminated, but got the same results. We are not sure what this means exactly."

Natasha and Clint looked at each other. Their suspicion becoming more realistic.

S: "Why are you looking at each other like that? What did you find?"

They started dumping the documents and pictures on the table. Each avenger grabbed some part of the pile that was forming.

N: "We're not entirely sure what this all means, and we are fully aware that this is going to sound crazy, but we believe that the village we went to was actually a werewolf pack."

Tony started laughing at Natasha's announcement.

N: "Tin Can, I don't know why you're laughing. If anything, the blood test results confirmed it."

T: "I think you too have been watching too many movies. Werewolves? Really? There's no such thing as werewolves.

N: "You don't think we thought it was impossible? I thought everything was just a huge wolf obsession when we were looking around. Literally everything in that village had something to do with wolves."

C: "I grabbed some of the bones too. They came from two separate wolves."

B: "Why did you grab bones?"

C: "If werewolves aren't real, then if we get anything from the bones, should come up 100% canine DNA."

T: "Fine, we can try your little experiment, but if it comes up as nothing then you two buy dinner."

Natasha rolled her eyes but agreed to the bet. Tony and Bruce took the bones down to the lab to start running tests on them while the rest of the avengers went through everything that was brought back. Clint was putting all of the ripped pictures together while Steve went through all the documents Natasha found on the desk. Natasha was going through the pictures she found while also going through what she pulled off the computers.

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