Chapter 29

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Alex POV

Artemis wasn't answering. I was starting to get worried. Every wolf knows that when their mate rejects them, either formal or informal, their wolf starts to die. I couldn't lose Artemis, I've had her for much longer than I should have, but we haven't even had a chance to live yet. I can't let her die. We didn't survive that hell hole just to go out like this. I forced myself up off the ground. The movement and lack of energy is starting to make me feel sick. I needed to get to Natasha. I made my way out of the barn, only to run into Clint.

Clint: "Hey I was just coming to check on you. You don't look so good."

Alex: "I need Natasha."

Clint: "Nat had to go, she got called away on a mission. She won't be back for a few days." My heart dropped. I wasn't sure we could make it that long. I don't know what hurt worse, the fact me and Artemis were dying or that she left without saying a word. My legs gave out from underneath me. My body no longer has the strength to hold itself up. "Woah, come on Alex, let's get you back inside."

Alex: "We won't make it. We need Natasha."

Clint: "She will be back soon and what do you mean you won't make it? Alex, what's wrong?"

Alex: "She rejected us. She rejected the mate bond."

Clint: "Alright, and what does that have to do with you not making it."

Alex: "Artemis is dying. When a wolf's mate rejects them, the rejected wolf dies from heart break. If Artemis dies, then I die too."

Clint: "Okay... Well don't die. Uh, just... just lay back down and I'll see what I can do. Whatever you do, don't die."

Clint helped me back to the stable I've been staying in before sprinting back out of the door. Not long after Laura came in and sat with me. The whole time she was there I cried as she tried to reassure me. Eventually I cried myself to sleep.

Clint POV

No, no, no, no. She can't die. Nat would never forgive me. Hell, the kids would never forgive me. Nat only just left. If I call her, I'll never hear the end of how she couldn't even leave for 15 minutes before all hell broke loose. No, this isn't about me. I need to get Nat back.

Laura: "Babe, what's wrong? What happened?"

Clint: "Nat rejected Alex and now Alex is dying."

Laura: "What? You can't die from someone rejecting you."

Clint: "I don't know the whole story, but I just went to tell Alex that Nat left for a few days, and she collapsed in my arms. Laura, she looks horrible. Like deathly, sick, horrible."

Laura: "I'll go sit with her; you get Nat's ass back here."

I had tried calling Nat several times, not once did she pick up. Each time the phone went to voicemail I cursed her. After the 10th time calling in 3 minutes, she finally picked up.

Nat: "What the hell Clint? You know I'm on my way back to New York. Why are you blowing up my phone?"

Clint: "You need to come back now, it's Alex."

Nat: "I've been gone for 20 minutes. How could there possibly be an emergency with her that I need to come back now, and it can't wait a few days."

Clint: "She's dying Nat. I don't know all the details, but she just collapsed in my arms when I said you left. She said you rejected her, and wolves can't live without a mate bond or something. I don't know, but you need to get your ass back here."

Nat: "Mate bond? Are you saying she's dying because of me?"

Clint: "If you're her mate or whatever then yes. Just get back here." I hung up the phone and ran back to the barn. When I got to her stable, she was passed out with her head on Laura's lap. "I finally got a hold of her. I told her to get her ass back here."

Laura: "Do you know what's going on?"

Clint: "Alex said something about a mate bond and that Nat rejected her. Apparently, the rejection is killing her."

Laura: "She better come back. Alex doesn't deserve this, not after what she's been through."

Natasha POV

I needed to get out of there and clear my head. I had told Clint that I got called for a mission, but I just needed to get away from Alex for a couple days to think. I had only been flying back to New York for 15 minutes before my phone started ringing nonstop. I ignored it, but after it went off for the 10th time in less than 5 minutes I picked up.

Nat: "What the hell Clint? You know I'm on my way back to New York. Why are you blowing up my phone?"

Clint: "You need to come back now, it's Alex."

Nat: "I've been gone for 20 minutes. How could there possibly be an emergency with her that I need to come back now, and it can't wait a few days."

Clint: "She's dying Nat. I don't know all the details, but she just collapsed in my arms when I said you left. She said you rejected her, and wolves can't live without a mate bond or something. I don't know, but you need to get your ass back here."

Clint hung up. How could she be dying because I said I couldn't be with her. People don't die from rejection. I kept flying towards New York. Alex is constantly on my mind. This whole thing was too much. When we talked about Mates two weeks ago everything in me said I couldn't be with her. Years of the Red Rooms teaching screamed at me that I couldn't be with her. Then the thought of how to tell her about my condition. Only Clint knows about it, and that wasn't even on purpose. Every time I saw Alex since the mate talk, these thoughts just kept replaying. This is why I wanted to leave for a few days. To clear my head and really think about what I want.

"Ahh fuck it." I turned the jet around. Even though I don't know what I want, I can't let her go like that before I figure it out. Plus, if what Clint said is true, then this is all my fault.

After 30 minutes I had landed back in Barton's field. I went back to the barn. I could hear Clint whispering to someone, probably Laura.

Laura: "Clint, she's getting worse."

Clint: "I know, Nat better have come back." Just as he finished his sentence, I came into view of the stable. Alex was laying with her head on Laura's lap as Laura ran her fingers through Alex's short, black hair. I moved closer and sat on the other side of Laura. Alex just laid there shaking. Her skin is a deathly gray color. It broke my heart.

Laura: "Nat trade places with me." I nodded my head and moved over a bit so Laura could move without disturbing Alex. Laura held up Alex's head while I sat in her old spot, once settled I placed Alex's head back in my lap. I started to run my fingers through her hair. Each time I felt sparks shoot up my arm. "Nat, we don't know everything that's going on between your two, or what Alex meant when she told Clint about the bond, but you can't let her go out like this. You can't let her die after everything she's been through. I understand if you need time to figure it out, Alex probably does too. Just think about that before you make any final decisions, and whatever you decide, remember will have consequences. Let's go Clint."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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