Chapter 15

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Natasha's POV

It has been an hour since the wolf was sedated and restitched. Bruce and the others had gone back to doing whatever they were doing before they came down here. Fury had left also. I sat outside the door of the cell with the pictures. I couldn't help but look through them and every now and then, look back at the wolf. Something about how the wolf looked at the pictures, then at me, left me feeling unease. My gut kept telling me there's more to this wolf than we think. I was studying the last picture of the two wolves again when whimpering started coming from the cell.

Looking up, the wolf was in the corner starting to wake up.

"J.A.R.V.I.S can you let banner know that the wolf is starting to wake up?"

"Right away Ms. Romanoff."

I kept a close eye on the wolf. As it started to stand up, I approached the glass of the cell. My movement gaining its attention. Another whimper came from it as it fully stood up. We continued to stare at each other as Bruce came.

B: "It's only been 45 minutes. It shouldn't be awake yet, let alone standing."

N: "I know. I'm going to try to go back in there, but I wanted someone here in case something happened."

B: "Nat, you shouldn't go in there. It may have been fine with you before but that was before we tackled it and sedated it."

N: "I'm going to take this slow. There's something about this wolf. I don't know what it is, but I don't think it's actually going to hurt me."

B: "Are you crazy? We are talking about a wild animal here. You can't predict its actions. That's why it's called wild."

N: "No, you're wrong. I don't think it's wild at all. It's something else."

B: "Well I don't think it's a pet!" The wolf let out a growl at the rise in Bruce's voice. "See! You can't predict what it's going to do."

N: "First of all, you don't control me. Second of all, you don't get to tell me what I can and can't do. Third of all, if you don't like it, then leave. I'm going in there, if you like it or not." With that, I turned away from him reaching out to the panel to open the cell door. Only taking my eyes off the wolf to put in the code to enter the cell. I raised my hands up as the door slid open. Entering slowly to try to look less threatening. The wolf backed up into the corner, lowering itself to the ground and pinning its ears back again. It let out another growl, which only turned into a whimper. The growl nowhere near as deep as it was before.

The growl was strong enough to make Bruce panic and respond to it; however, He quickly moved towards the door of the cell. The quick movement triggered the wolf to respond. As I was about to yell at Bruce, to back away, the wolf lunged. I was just fast enough to roll out of the way barrel roll back to my feet. To my surprise, the wolf wasn't even going for me. Instead, it was snarling and scratching at the door of the cell. As Bruce moved, it followed against the glass. Continuing to try and get out.

N: "God damn it, Bruce!"

B: "Why are you yelling at me? This is your fault! You're the one that went in there!"

N: "Yeah, and you're the idiot that made the quick movement! Bruce, just go! Turn on the camera and just get out of its line of sight. It's you that it wants, not me."

Surprisingly, Bruce listened. Now I'm stuck in a small cell, with a huge and angry wolf. How the hell am I supposed to call it down enough to get out of here, I thought. As soon as Bruce was out of its line of sight it turned back to me. Once again lowering itself and growling. Blood was starting to pool around its paws, from scratching the glass. I kept my hands raised and backed away from it, towards the back wall of the cell. My movement seemed to put it more at ease as it started to rise from its hunkered position. No longer looking like it was going to pounce on me.

N: "Shhhh. It's ok. I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to help. You're ok, everything is ok." The more I talked the more at ease it became. Taking a chance, I slowly started to approach the wolf. Instead of growling, it started to whimper again. As I continued to approach, I could see that the bandages were turning red again, which led me to believe it ripped its stitches again. As I got a couple feet away, I put my hand further out in front of me and lowered myself towards the ground. I continued to tell the wolf that everything was ok, which seemed to further help the situation. After a few minutes, it approached my hand, smelling it before giving it a small lick and laying down against my side.

As it layed down, it let out a small cry furthered by more whimpering. It was clear to me it was in a lot of pain. The only question now is, how are we supposed to help it. No one seems to be able to get close to it but me. After a few minutes of just sitting next to the wolf, I took another chance and started to pet it again. Checking its side again, the red spots in the bandages looked to have stopped growing. Deciding to leave it for now I moved into checking its paws. The blood coming from its nails was starting to dry along with the blood on its coat. Sitting back again I just continued to pet and reassure the wolf that everything was ok.

Once the wolf was completely called down, I reached into my pocket pulling out the pictures we had found. The wolf noticed my movement and moved to look at me. Seeing what I was holding it let out another high-pitched whimper. "We found these pictures with you in that cave along with human clothes. You're not just a large normal wolf, are you?" At my question the wolf sat up. I watched it as it moved away into the farthest corner. Not wanting to stress it out, I stayed where I was, hoping to continue to not look threatening. "I didn't think werewolves were real." holding up the picture of the two wolves and showing it towards the wolf. "You look very close to these two wolves. Almost like a perfect combination of them." The wolf sat taller in the corner at my words and tilted its head. I let out a small chuckle looking at it. I couldn't help but think how cute it looked with its head tilted with its big eyes. Holding up a picture of a small girl next to a wolf. "You know these wolves and this girl, don't you? These are not just any wolves?" As it looked at the pictures, it started crying. Not just crying like any dog would though, looking into its eyes, you could actually see what looked to be tears forming.

Alex POV

"Artemis, do you think we can really trust mate?"

"Other than that, last little "attack", which actually helped us, mate hasn't hurt us. They have given us no real reason to not trust them."

"I don't like that she has our stuff, but she said we look like a perfect combination of mom and dad. She also put together that we are not just an ordinary wolf."

"Alex, I think it's time you show her who we really are. If you want to stay in this form, fine, but I think we need to show her."

"What about the cameras and the other men? I don't trust them."

"You don't trust them because they are men. Alex, you have been given every reason for not trusting people. Especially men, but what about mate? Just think about it Alex, that's all I ask. Give mate a chance.

I sat there and watched as my mate went through the pictures. Artemis was right, she hasn't given us a reason to not trust her. She even made the men go away. I let out a small huff and went back over to her. I nudged her then looked at the camera and whined.

"You don't want people seeing you." I let out a huff in response. "J.A.R.V.I.S"

"Yes Ms. Romanoff."

"Turn off the cameras in and showing into the cell. Do not let anyone turn them back on."

"I must advise against this Ms. Romanoff."

"J.A.R.V.I.S, now."

"Cameras are deactivated."

"There, cameras are off now. No one can see in here unless they come down here."

I let out a large breath of air, not believing what I was about to do. Letting out another breath, I shifted into my human form, and watched my mate's reaction. 

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