Chapter 3

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AN: This will be a shorter chapter to finish up the intro, so we can get on with the rest of the book before I run out of ideas. Also please let me know how you like the story so far. As I said before this is my first time writing, so any ideas or suggestions will be appreciated too. Anyway, on with the story!

"Ah Alex. Welcome to your new home. We will be spending a lot of time together and this will bring me nothing but joy. You should feel honored to be apart of something so great. Much greater than anything that stupid pack would ever do. Just think of it as me doing you a favor. Getting rid of that stupid mutt you called father and bitch you called mother. I did you a favor, and in return I not only get revenge, but you will be my greatest creation." Dr. Anderson went on and on. I tuned him out. After what he said about my parents all I saw was red. I wanted to see if blood cover the walls. See the life leave his eyes as he took his final breath. Artemis was in the back of my head trying to calm me down. We both knew he was just trying to get a reaction out of me. I decided I would just glare at him instead of giving him what he wanted. "ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME BITCH" he screamed at me. I got more of a reaction out of him than he was able to get out of me, which made me happy but only went on to piss him off. "Fine, no matter. I'll still have my fun. You see this?" He held up a syringe with a bright green liquid. "This will only hurt a lot." At that he jabbed the needle into the scruff of my neck. I instantly felt a burning pain going through my veins, which intensified my the second. I started to seize, all while the Dr. just laughed. I was finally granted mercy when I once again fell unconscious. 

Time Skip

Wake up, get beat, injection, another beating, sleep and repeat.  This is how my days went everyday for the next 20 years (now 25 years old). The experiments seamed to work enough for Dr. Anderson, but I don't think he got the results he wanted. 

Due to not learning properly how to shift, it takes me a while to shift between my human and wolf forms. Normally your parents would teach you this after your first shift, but my first shift was... yeah.  I'm normally forced to shift between forms from a serum the Dr. created a few years ago. I think he got tired of my wolf form and wanted to see me in pain in my human form. Trevor would often help his father. He too got a sick kick out of seeing me in pain. Most days I'm not sure who I hate more, father or son. 

Today seemed to be different though. I had a horrible feeling something bad was going to happen, well worse than my normal hell. The cell door slammed open. 

"On your feet mutt!" the guard yelled. Weak from hunger, dehydration, and the daily beating, I was slow to get up. I no longer fought back the way I did when I first got here. It just took too much energy that I don't have.  I was forced on the table, and held down, while Dr. Anderson came in and injected me with the serum to force me into my human form. Taking deep breaths I struggled just to breath. 

"Take her to the chair. This should help us get more results" the Dr. said as he smirked at me. I could barely keep my head up as the guards grabbed my arms and dragged me out of the room. I was thrown in to a wooden chair and strapped down. I couldn't move a muscles. The Dr. came back in and forced a mouth guard in my mouth and duct tapped it shut. He then lowered a helmet over my head. He turned on the machine. Instantly electricity is shot through my body. All I could do was scream while the DR. said "Pack, Fang, Moon, Howl, Five, Pup, Black". Each time he said a word the pain intensified. until it suddenly stopped. My head hung in the chair as I breathed as much as I could with my mouth tapped shut. "Wolf. Ready to Comply?" I just glared back at him. "Again" he instructed. This went on 3 more times.  After the fourth round my head just hung. I was barely breathing. The Dr. Walked back over, ripped the tape off and repeated  "Wolf. Ready to Comply?"

I looked up. "Ready to Comply."  Once again the Dr. could only look at me and smirk. 

"Take her to the training room." The Dr. instructed.  I was forced out of the chair and once again dragged to another room, where I was thrown to the ground. "Shift!" Without thinking I shifted into my massive wolf. "Shift!" I shifted back. "Too slow! Shift!" Again I shifted. This went on for 6 hours. At that point, I couldn't shift anymore. I felt like I was in between forms. "Take her to her cell!" I hung limp as the guards dragged me back to my cell. I was able to curl my body up in a small ball and pass out. 

The next morning "training" continued just like it did the day before. By noon, I could shift back and forth in a couple seconds. 

"Now I want you to shift in midair. Hurdle the bench and shift." It took no time to be able to manage to do this. By 5:00 I was back in my cell. I kept getting this nagging feeling in the back of my head. 

"Alex! Alex, god damn it snap out of it! remember who you are. We can not give in to what they want no matter what."

"A-Artemis? Artemis is that you"

"Yeah. Now snap out of it and fight back. We need to get out of here soon." We had spent the rest of the night planning on how to get out. Tomorrow would be the test. If we failed, I'm afraid to find out what would happen. 

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