Chapter 4

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"Get up Mutt!" I was woken up the next day by the guards slamming open my cell door. "I said get up" the guard once again yelled. I started to slowly get up. Still in pain from  shifting so much yesterday. This only pissed the guard off more as I received a hard kick to the ribs. Not sure how they expect me to move faster when I'm in pain. I was quickly dragged to my feet, where the guard once again took the opportunity to punch me in the face. In my dazed state, they dragged me out of the room to the damned labs. The guards threw me in a chair and strapped me down again. Flashbacks from the day before quickly went through my mind.  Once I was strapped down the Dr. came in.

"Wolf, ready to comply" he asked. 

"Ready to comply." I couldn't let them know that I was no longer under their control, but I had to play along if I wanted to get out of here. To my surprise another man walked in after, one I have never seen before. The doctor turned away from me to the man. 

"Is she ready Dr.?" the man asked. Dr. Anderson couldn't help but smile in pride at his achievement with the wolf.

"Yes Sir, Mr. Pierce. She will be a great weapon to Hydra. Let me demonstrate." Both men turned back to me. Dr. Andersons smile replaced with that smirk that I hated so much. I couldn't wait to wipe it off his face, literally. "Wolf, shift" he commanded. I had no option but to shift into my massive wolf. As I shifted, the straps broke and I jumped off the table. I didn't dare move though. Afraid I would be sent back to the chair from yesterday. 

"How tall is she?" Pierce asked. 

"She stands at 5 feet at the shoulders."

"What about bite force?"

"We have not tested the bite force yet, we were waiting to do a live test while you were here Sir."

"Hmm. Very well, lets get on with it. I don't have all day."

"Yes Sir. Take her to the arena. I want one of you in the bite suit."

"Yes Sir." the guards replied. They dragged me to the arena and chained me to the ground. I was able to walk around but there was no chance I could run off. I had to time this just right. 

"Now is our chance Alex. We are only going to have one shot at this" Artemis told me. 

"If they take the chain off for the test I want you  to take over. I think we will have a better chance of getting out of here if your in full control" I replied. She agreed with the plan, now we just had to time it right. I watched as the guard that delivered most of my beatings put on the suit. "Can you just make sure to kill him? I hate him as much as that damned doctor" I asked Artemis. 

"I'll just make sure I make this bite count. Not sure if it will kill him, but its not going to be a light nip in the hand either."

"I guess I can settle for that." The doctor and Piece walked in. 

"Are we ready to start" the doctor asked as he looked at me.

"Yes Sir" the guard in the suit replied. 

"Wolf.." I looked the doctor in the eye, waiting for the command that I knew was coming. He pulled out a screen and glanced down at it. Assuming to make sure it was set up properly. "Attack" At that I was off, giving full control to Artemis. 

Artemis POV 

I took off towards the guard in the suit.  He held up his arm in front of him. When I was a few feet away I lunged. The shock on his face was priceless. 

What Alex doesn't know, is that I saw all the beatings, the torture, everything. One of us just needed to save our strength for the right situation. I used as much energy as I could spare to make sure she stayed alive and healed relatively quickly. In watching, I realized that the Anderson's were never wolves. They were able to infiltrate our pack, no MY pack, pretending to seek help. I would never forgive them and what they did. I let the stupid doctor think that all his serums were doing something, letting him feel accomplished. He, however couldn't be further from reality. This is a true wolf. The only thing the serum did was make me abnormally large compared to other wolves, but I'll take that advantage.   

 Everyone thought I would just bite down on the guards arm, I went for what all wolves go for, the throat. I bit down as hard as I could not even knowing how hard I could truly bite, but in that instant, I didn't care. I only cared about getting me and Alex out of this hell hole. 

The doctor and the man kept glancing at the screen. "Incredible! Over 6000 PSI! That's stronger than any known animal in the animal kingdom. She had the potential to be a greater weapon than the Winter Soldier" the doctor raved. 

"Yes, Your project seams like a success. How long until she is ready? I want her partnered with the Winter Soldier as soon as possible" Pierce replied. 

These idiots were no longer even paying attention to me. How I wanted to go  and rip both of their throats out, I thought. I kept the guards neck in my mouth. I didn't bite down any harder than I already was. The guards blood fill my mouth and ran down my chin. Once he started to choke, I glanced back at the Doctor and Pierce. They were still too busy looking at the screen that they didn't notice that the man in the suit is now dead, or that someone left the door behind them wide open. Now was my chance. I dropped the guard and charged towards the two men. They finally realized what happened, but again it was too late. I Jumped on both me. One front paw on both of the men's chest. 

I was torn if I should just kill them while they were down, but again the need for freedom was greater. I jumped off them them, making sure that my claws dug in their chest as I did and bolted for the door. Everyone was too shocked at what happened, that they didn't even notice I was gone until I was out the door and around the corner.  An alarm started to blare. I just kept running, having no idea where I was going. I tried to sniff the air to find a sense of direction. I could faintly smell fresh air coming from my right, but also heard the sound of several boots running from that direction towards me. I had no choice but go that way. It was now or never, I didn't even want to think of what would happen to us if we didn't get out of here. 

Charging towards the sound of boots and the smell of the fresh air, it didn't take long until I was met by a small group of guards. 

"We cant let it escape" one of them yelled. I charged towards them and jumped. easily knocking them all down. I wasn't going to stay for that fight. Not with the wide open door right there. I took off through the door, taking a second to look around. All I saw was woods. Thank the Moon Goddess, I thought.  I ran as fast as I could to the woods. I could still hear the alarm behind me and the sounds of trucks and yelling. I knew that I had to lose them if I had any hope of staying freed. 

Changing direction often, and not slowing down for any optical, the yelling, and the sound of the trucks eventually vanished. The sound of the alarm was long gone, so I knew we were far enough away to be safe for now, but would still need to keep moving, I slowed down to a walk.

"Alex, Alex you there?"

"Yeah, did we do it? Are we free?"

"For now."

"I can take control back so you can rest." With that, I relinquished control back to Alex.   

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