Chapter 7

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It's been a week since we met our mate. I have stayed in wolf form the whole time, finding it more comfortable and easier to protect myself. I have gone through many large villages like the one where we saw mate in that time. I stuck to the shadows but did come in contact with some humans. I just kept a close eye on them as I passed the territory. Not trusting any of them. After a few days of walking, I was able to find a large cave on the side of a mountain. It was high enough up that I could see if anyone was coming and would hide my sent from prey. It took a while to get up to it, but I knew it would be worth it in the end. When I reached the mouth of the cave, I could smell something was in there, but I didn't know what it was. I let out a large warning growl to whatever was in there and started to enter my new home. After taking a few steps in I received a roar from what was in here with me. Whatever it was started to rush me, thundering footsteps were heard against the rocks. Within seconds I was face to face with a large bear. It continued to roar at me, while I growled back. I was not going to let it chase me out of the cave. 

"Let me take over." Artemis demanded, which I did in an instant. 

Artemis Pov

The bear wasted no time in attacking me, but I was not going to lose to it. I was determined to make this cave our new home. It was in the perfect spot. We hadn't come across another human in days, it was covered by a thick forest and there was more than enough food for me to survive here. I dodged the bear's first attack, then turned and bit it in the hind leg. It let out another roar and turned around. I let go just as it was about to swipe my face with its paw.

"I really like my face intact Artemis... It would be great if you avoided it's paws and its teeth."

"What in goddesses name do you think I'm doing. Now leave me alone, I need to stay focused."

Alex's distraction gave the bear the opening it needed to attack again. I was able to jump out of its way as it charged at me again, but I wasn't able to avoid it grabbing my tail with its teeth. It swung its head to the side and let go, throwing me into the side of the cave. On impact I let out a whimper and was slow getting up. The sound of it charging at me again could be heard off the cave's walls. The bear bit me again in my back right leg. I let out a howl in pain and it once again turned and swung me to the mouth of the cave. I felt me body roll on impact and me starting to slide off the side of the cliff. 

The bear must have thought that was the end, because it didn't approach the cliff. With all my might I climbed back up onto the cliff. My back leg in pain, but I was not going down that easily. I let out another growl into the mouth of the cave. The bear huffed then again roared. I didn't wait for it to charge again, instead I attacked it first this time. I decision I would end up regretting as the bear swiped me in the face with its large front paw. I could no longer see out of my left eye. The impact once again sent me out of the mouth of the cave, but this time, I was able to dig my claws into the rocks avoiding going over the cliff. The bear again charged me. Not being able to see clearly, I dove to the side as the bear reached striking distance. The bear went over the side of the cliff, roaring, then a large thud was heard. I looked over the side of the cliff, seeing the large bear lying dead on the ground. I limped back to the cave now that the fight was over the adrenalin was running out. 

"I believe I said I liked my face." I huffed at Alex's comment.

"Shut up, it's your fault."

"Not this time. That was all you." I huffed again. Not wanting or having the energy to put up with Alex's "I told you so" attitude. Instead, I tuned her out and closed my eyes. 

Natasha Pov

It's been a week since I've seen the wolf and the attack on New York. The whole accouter with the wolf still blows my mind. I can't stop thinking about it. I submitted my report two days ago and since I've been trying to track where it could have gone. There have a few reports of a large wolf in Willington, Connecticut; Erving, Massachusetts; Rockingham, Vermont; and Woodstock, New Hampshire.  

"Hey Nat. What are you up to?" Clint asked.

"Just trying to track this wolf. There are some reports of a large wolf, but who knows if these reports are even for the wolf we are looking for."

"Do any of the reports match the description of the wolf?"

"Not really. Everyone reported that they saw it on the edge of the tree line but couldn't get a good look at it. The only thing that matches is that it was a large wolf. That could mean nothing though. It could just be a large normal wolf, not a five-foot massive wolf."

"Mr. Barton, Ms. Romanoff you are needed in the conference room." J.A.R.V.I.S stated.

"Now what are we having a meeting for?" I said. 

 "Not sure, but only one way to find out."

Clint and I entered the conference room. This time it was just us avengers. Steve standing at the head of the table. Tony sitting to his right looking annoyed and hung over. 

"Now that everyone is here, let's get started. It's been a week since Nat saw the wolf, have we made any progress in tracking it down?" Steve asked.

"Not in a way that would actually help us. We have reports of a large wolf, no other description. As far as we know these reports could just be a large normal wolf, not the massive wolf we are looking for." I replied.

"Where are the reports from?"

"Willington, Connecticut; Erving, Massachusetts; Rockingham, Vermont; and Woodstock, New Hampshire."

"J.A.R.V.I.S. pull up a map of those locations" Tony asked. The map pops up with red dots marking the locations. 

"What's the geography of those locations?" Clint asked.

"These locations are heavily wooded areas." J.A.R.V.I.S answered. 

"That could be a link. Nat, do we have contact information on the people who filed the reports?" Steve asked.


"Let's split up and interview the people who filed the reports. We may be able to get more information. Clint and Nat, you two go to New Hampshire. Tony and Thor, you two go to Vermont. Bruce and I will go to Massachusetts. Any questions?"

"I think we're good Capsicle."

"Then lets move out."

"Come on Point Break, I'll race you there."

"You're on Metal Man."

I shook my head at the two overgrown children. "Let's go, Clint." I turned to look at him but he ran off after Stark and Thor. I groaned at the three "men". "I swear, they are all children." I mumbled, but Steve and Bruce heard it and laughed.  

"Good luck, Nat." Bruce said.

I replied with a "Thanks, I'm going to need it." and followed the three "children" out of the tower. 

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