Chapter 20

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I know this was long overdue. Just wanted to say thank you to everyone. This story so far has just under 10K views. When I started this, I didn't think I would come even close to that. Honestly, I thought I would get like 100 views. So, thank you guys for the support and I'm glad you're enjoying the story.

Clint's POV

How have we not fed her since rescuing her? God forbid PETA found out about this. Jesus, I can see the headlines now, "Avengers save the world, but abuse animals". The sooner we get out of here the better. As I enter the kitchen, I see Bruce and Steve talking, well more like conspiring. As I pull out a pound of ground beef, both men come up to me.

S: "Barton, you can't agree with Natasha on this. That beast will kill us all the first chance it gets. Nat is the only one who is able to go near it."

C: "Do I believe the WOLF can be dangerous, yes, but so are we. Should we be put down just because of that? And for your information, Nat is not the only one that can get near the wolf. Hill and I were both able to get close to it."

B: "Clint, this is different, we are human. That thing is just a beast."

C: "You should be the last one to talk since you have a raging green monster, who tried to kill Nat, Thor, and a pilot once. Let's not forget that you have no control over it either."

Both men stood there and looked at each other, Bruce dropped his head in shame.

C: "Yeah, that's what I thought. Now if you excuse me, I have a wolf to feed."

Walking back to the cells with a bowl of meatballs to feed to the wolf, I called Nat.

N: "What is it Clint?"

C: "Are you ready? We need to hurry this up. Steve and Bruce just tried to talk me into killing the wolf again. If we don't get out of here soon, they both may try something."

N: "I'm on my way back now. Has she eaten yet?"

C: "I'm about to feed her now. By the time you get here she will be done eating."

N: "Ok, just stay with her for now. Try to gain her trust. Should make the plan a lot easier than once we get to your house. I'll be back in about 15 minutes."

C: "Is there anything else you need me to do?"

N: "No, I'll pack a bag quickly then head to the cells. I do want to leave her alone with dumb and dumber around. Not to mention Stark will probably try something stupid again and lose a hand."

C: "Alright, see you in15 then"

Nat's POV

I hung up with Clint. I'm done with Bruce and Steve's dumb asses. I may just knock them out quick, just so we can get her out of here without any issues. The question is, how to knock out a super soldier and a guy that when he gets pissed off enough turns into a monster he can't control. I'm not up for a round 2 with the Hulk. Once I was 10 minutes away, I sent a text to Hill, wondering if she was still at the tower. Luckily, she was. I asked her to meet me on the landing platform with a couple of her most trusted men. If we were going to pull this off quick, we were going to need a little help. Ten minutes later, I landed the quinjet and approached Agent Hill.

N: "Thanks for helping."

H: "No problem, how can we help get her out of here."

N: "Can you take the cage down to her cell? The tranqs are on top, take those too, but I'll sedate her. Clint should be down there now making sure Steve and Bruce don't go near her and Stark doesn't try anything that will cost him his hand. I just need to grab a bag quick. I should be down there in 5 minutes."

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