Chapter 22

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I know that so far, the story is a lot of wolf Alex, and she gets treated like an animal. I just want to make it clear that you will see more of human Alex soon. So far this has all been a comfort thing because of her history with humans. In her wolf form, she feels more protected than she does in human form. She also has spent most of her life up to this point as a wolf. The team, except for Nat, does not know that she is human. Based on how the team, except for Clint has reacted, she doesn't want to share the info that Alex is not just a wolf either. I hope that helps clear up some of the confusion. Any questions please comment or DM me if you want. Like always, thank you for the support and I'm glad that you're enjoying the story.

Alex POV

I stood in front of my mate as I stared down the unknown woman. She didn't look like much of a threat, but I don't trust anyone really but mate. Well mate and maybe the man we have been with. He hasn't hurt me since being in the mountains, plus those treats he fed me were much better than anything I ever got while with Hydra. I felt my mate's hand on my back, her scent and the way she gently ran her hand through my fur, helped calm me down a little. The man stepped slightly in front of the unknown woman. He put one hand out towards me and with his other grabbed the woman's hand. He slowly approached me while dragging the woman along. I backed up further into the corner. All my instincts were telling me I had to keep her safe. The two entered the small space me and mate were in and the man turned and closed the door. The whole time he and the women kept their eyes on me.

C: "Laura, slowly sit down against the gate. Let her come to you when she is ready."

The woman did as the man said, he followed her actions too and stayed next to her.

N: "It's ok Alex. You are safe here. Laura is Clint's wife; she is here to help you as much as we are." The whole time my mate spoke she kept running her hand through my fur. I felt her hand get lower from my back more towards my side. I glanced towards her and saw that she was moving to sit down too against the back wall. Not wanting to crush her, I moved to her side and rested my head on her legs and watched the couple. She started to pet me again and rub my ear with the white tip.

After about 30 minutes, Clint had fallen asleep, and Laura had her head on his shoulder with her eyes closed and was shaking. I glanced up at mate who was looking down at me. She looked lost in thought.

Artemis: "Alex give them a chance. Mate said they were going to help us. So far, they have done nothing to hurt us. They gave us space and waited for us to come to them. I think these people are important to mate. If you don't do it for yourself, do it for mate."

I sat and thought about what Artemis said. She wasn't wrong, and I did get pretty close to the man while back at the other place. He wasn't so bad there. Letting out a small huff of air I stood up and slowly approached the couple. Neither of them noticed that I was approaching them. I went up to the women and gave a couple sniffs. She smelled like cinnamon. Noticing how much she was shaking I layed down with my head on her legs. The weight must have startled her awake.

L: "Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Nat what do I do?"

N: "Calm down before you make her anxious. Put your left hand out and let her smell it. Don't move it towards her, just let her go to you."

Laura did as Nat said and stuck her hand out a little away from my face. I gave it a couple good sniffs then licked it and put my head back down. Her cinnamon scent was mixed with two others, I couldn't figure out.

L: "Can I pet her?" I think the question was aimed at my mate, but I moved my head closer to her stomach. "I'll take that as a yes." Just like mate, Laura gently ran her fingers through the fur on my back. "She is so soft, and I love her coloring so much. Leave it to you to find an all-black wolf. Very fitting for the Black Widow."

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