Chapter 14

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Hey guys. Thank you for commenting on the last chapter for if Alex/ Nat should be GP. So far most want to see Alex as GP. If you have any other suggestions, please comment. Please let me know if you prefer longer chapters or shorter ones. Shorter chapters will be roughly 1200 words, while longer will be closer to 2000-2500 words. If you want longer chapters, it may take longer to update too, but I will try to update at least once a week.

Clint burst into the meeting room where the rest of the group was still going through what he and Natasha brought back from the village.

C: "The wolf woke up. Nat's still with it."

B: "You left Nat alone with a wild animal?"

C: "I didn't want to. She told me to come tell you guys that it woke up."

S: "Is it still awake?" he said as he started to stand up from the chair.

C: "No. Nat actually made it go back to sleep."

T: "What did she do? Put it in a sleeper hold?"

C: "No, she just kept petting it and it fell asleep in her lap."

Tony hummed in response.

T: "So it's really just an overgrown lap dog. I call dibs."

C: "Pretty sure Nat has dibs, but you can try fighting her for it."

T: "Please, my tower, my rules." he said as he walked out of the room.

The rest of the group just stood there looking at each other. Before they all made a mad dash out to follow Tony to the wolf.

Natasha POV

Since I sent Clint back to the others to update them on the wolf, I've had a countdown going until the idiots would rush through the door. I had just reached 10 when the sound of a herd of elephants came from the stairwell just next to the cell. I was on five when the sound of them arguing and all trying ot open the door first hit my ears. I shook my head as they all appeared on the other side of the cell door when I had hit 0.

T: "How's my wolf Red?"

I narrowed my eyes at him as I continued to pet the wolf's head.

N: "Your wolf?"

T: "Yeah, I called dibs. Plus, my tower, my rules." he said as he stepped into the room.

I nodded my head with a smirk on my face. I stopped petting the wolf and moved her head off my lap. I stood up and opened my arms to Stark.

N: "By all means Tin Man."

Tony thought he had won this one. He took my place on the floor and moved the wolf's head back onto his lap. He started thinking of names out loud to call it as he patted the wolf's side where the bandages were. I stood there with my arms crossed keeping the smirk on my face as I knew this would not last long. It only took a few minutes for the wolf to start waking up again. Its face and ears keep twitching at the sound of the boy's voices. Her nose started to twitch, smelling the space around her. Her eyes shot open and looked around. Tony looked pleased with himself until the wolf looked at him. She let out a loud growl and stood up. Its fur rose wherever the bandages weren't holding it down. Tony quickly stood up. The sudden movement put the wolf more on edge. The rest of the boys stopped talking, but the tension in the room only kept rising. The wolf backed itself into the corner. I looked over to Tony and he looked like he was about to shit his pants. I put my hands up and slowly approached the wolf.

T: "I retract my dibs. She is all yours Red."

S: "Tony, start backing away from it, slowly. Don't make any sudden moves. Nat, stop. What are you doing?"

N: "Steve, Shut the hell up and keep quiet. Tony once you are out, close the door."

Getting closer to the wolf, I looked it in the eye. I could see how scared it was. Keeping eye contact I started shushing her again and telling her it will be ok. I could see its chest heaving. It almost looked like she was having a panic attack. I shifted my body to the side, so I could make sure the door was closed without taking my eyes fully off of the wolf. I kept moving towards the back wall and lowered my body towards the ground, keeping my hands up to look less threatening. I sat down a few paces away from the wolf and tried to get a better view of its side. I could see the bandage starting to turn red.

N: "Bruce, get a tranq and a suture kit."

I made eye contact with the wolf again and started shushing it. Telling it that everything would be ok.

Alex POV

I woke up to a much rougher hand petting me. When I looked up, I saw a man I've never seen before. I think I scared him as much as he scared me. Making it to my feet quickly I felt a pull on my side and on my chest. I didn't dare to take my eyes off the man. Soon, I started to hear Mate's voice. As much as I wanted to be near my mate, I wanted to be as far away from the man as possible. Mate started to make her way towards me as I backed myself into the corner. I was starting to trust my mate. She hasn't given us much of a reason not to other than that first encounter.

Once the man was out of the room, mate started to move towards my side. She yelled out to one of the men and then quickly left.

Artemis: "Alex, go by mate. I think we can trust her. She hasn't hurt us, and she has kept the evil men away."

Taking a second, I thought about what Artemis said. Mate has kept the men away. Plus, she has kept us calm and that was the best sleep I've had while she pet me. It felt so relaxing and safe. We haven't felt that way since before mom and dad were killed. I had stopped growling and went to take a step towards her, but I had stepped on something that made my paw slip out a little from underneath me. On the ground were the pictures from my backpack and next to them were the pictures of he who shall not be named. My head shot up and my eyes narrowed at mate. Moving away from her I balled myself up as small as I could, but kept my head where I could keep an eye on her and the others,

Alex: "Still trust them." I asked Artemis. I only got silence as a reply.

Mate looked confused at me as she kept glancing at me and then the pictures. Soon an older scruffy man entered the room with a white package and a needle. I quickly stood up and started to growl at him. Warning him to stay away from me. Mate got up and stood between us. She held her hands out again. This time I growled at her. I wasn't sure if we could trust her or not anymore, but I knew for a fact we can't trust any man. All of them are evil. Mate started to approach me with her hands up. I lowered myself to the ground and flattened my ears, not caring how much it may hurt, but I will protect us. Mate suddenly jumped on top of me. Holding my head down. I tried to get up but the sharp pain that came from my ribs and chest kept me down. The man jumped on me next, then I felt another pinch. He quickly got off of me and left the room. Mate kept her strong hold on me. My eyes started to get heavy. No longer able to keep my eyes open, I let out a whimper as everything turned black.

Nat's POV

What the hell was that? She was fine until she stepped on the pictures. Does she know these people or wolves? Bruce and I had just sedated her, the effects of the drug quickly took over as it was only a minute until she was asleep again. Bruce had come back in to help me restitch her side and chest. We were almost done when Fury came in.

F: "Took long enough. How big is she?"

B: "We haven't gotten full measurements yet, but she is more than five feet tall."

F: "Have we found anything useful about the wolf?"

N: "Nothing definite yet. We have a theory that we all thought was impossible before now. It would sound crazy if I told you now without looking into it further."

F: "You have a week. After that I want a full report. Until then the wolf stays put. Romanoff, you are responsible for the wolf. Banner, I expect a fully detailed physical in its final when Romanoff submits it. Oh, and Stark and Barton, stay away from the wolf."

Fury left as quickly as he had come. Leaving a grumbling Stark and Barton. 

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