Chapter 16

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Natasha's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes. One moment a wolf is standing in front of me, the next it turns into a woman, standing in all her glory. "Holy shit. I can't believe this. You, you're a... Holy shit they do exist." The lady let out a small chuckle at my reaction. "How is this even possible?"

"Well, you see when two people like each other...."

"No, no, no. Not that. Jesus. I mean, how are werewolves real? How did you turn into a wolf? Are the stories and movies true? Are there more of you?" I had so many questions. I could tell I'm rambling, but I can't wrap my head around this. I know I was originally thinking this, but part of me really didn't believe it either. I couldn't help but look the lady over. She was riddled with scars all over. The wounds we had wrapped were no longer there. The wrap falling off as she shifted. In their place were small pink lines. Her nails remained covered in dried blood though. Looking back at her face, she looked sad. "There's not more of you out there is there?" I asked sincerely.

"Not of my pack. I don't know if there are still other packs out there though." She said sadly.

"What happened to your pack?" Again, my question only made her look sadder. My heart pulled at the expression. She let out a long breath again and looked me in the eye."

"I can't tell you. Not yet at least. Please... What are you, what are you going to do with me?"

"That's not up to me, but the more you help us the better. Can you tell me who these people are in the pictures?" I walked closer to her, holding out the pictures for her to take.

"These are all family pictures. The white wolf was my mother and the black one my father. That one is me as a kid and that one... I can't look at him let alone talk about him."

"What's your name?"

"How do I know I can trust you? What do you want from me?"

"Well, right now I just want to talk and get some answers. As far as the trust question... I guess only you can really answer if you think you can trust me or not." She narrowed her eyes at me. Just as she went to speak, banging came from the stairwell again. Her eyes widened and she quickly shifted back.

I sighed as Bruce and Steve appeared in front of the cell. Once again, the wolf started growling and snarling at them.

B: "Nat! Nat what happened. One minute the cameras are on then they cut out. Jarvis refused to turn them back on.

N; "Nothing happened. I just didn't want the cameras on me anymore."

S: "Romanoff, you can't just cut the cameras. What if something happened? How would we know you needed help?"

N: "I can take care of myself."

B: "But Nat, you're in a cell with a wild animal. You don't know that nothing will happen to you. You're not strong enough to take that thing on by yourself. I'm calling Fury. I think we need to have a vote of what we are going to do with it. I think it needs to be put down. It's not normal and it's too dangerous to be here. It could try to kill any of us at any minute."

The wolf did not take what Bruce said well and lunged at the glass again. Only this time, I left a crack in the glass. Bruce jumped back and screamed.

B: "Se! See, this is what I'm talking about. It's unpredictable. It needs to be put down before it kills us all."

S: "Nat, Bruce may be right on this one. How are we even going to get you out of there? We can't open the door. Bruce, go get another tranquilizer. We need to at least knock it out to get her out of there." Bruce ran away. The wolf backed up into me but continued to growl at Steve.

At Long Last (OC x Natasha Romanoff)Where stories live. Discover now