Chapter 12

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Nat's POV

It's been a week since we captured the wolf. She still hasn't woken up. I've been spending a lot of time sitting with her. Why? I'm not really sure. There's just this pull that I can't explain. When I'm not sitting with her, I'm working on the village of wolves' lead. All I really had was the location of the village. I had called a team meeting to investigate the village. I doubt I would find anything, but you never know.

"You're not going alone," Steve said.

"I think I can handle myself."

"Nat, Steve's right. I'm coming with you. You have no idea what or who lives in that area" Clint said.

"Fine. Let's go." I sighed in defeat. It was just easier to agree at this point. "Let me know if the wolf wakes up. Oh, and Tony... stay away from it." I turned and made my way back to my room to grab my gear. Clint might be right that we don't know much about the area, but I'm still not that happy that they are tagging along. I guess it could be worse though. It could be Stark tagging along. Clint caught up to me as I made my way to the quinjet.

"What do you think we will find there?" he asked.

"Based on the pictures, I'm not expecting much, but it could lead us to something. That or maybe answer a few questions about the wolf."

"Speaking of you have been spending a lot of time with it. What's up with that?"

"I don't know. I just feel this pull towards it. I can't describe it though. I feel calmer around it though." he hummed in response. Boarding the plane, Clint insisted that the pilots. I didn't care. I just wanted to get there. It's also only going to take 15 minutes to get there in the jet anyway. The ride there was comfortable silence. I had spent the time mostly in my head thinking about the wolf and this weird pull I've been feeling towards it.

"Nat, we're here." Clint pulled me out of my own head. The area was an open circle surrounded by woods. He landed the plane in an area away from the ruins of what looked to be only a couple of homes, surrounding two larger buildings. Walking out of the plane, we each grabbed a bag to put anything we might find in, and we both had our weapons ready.

"This may take a while. You take the houses on the right; I'll take the houses on the left. We can meet up and search the two center buildings after" Clint nodded in agreement and made his way towards his side. Coming up to the first house, it was more ashes than structure. There was nothing left, but just in case I shifted around some of the ash hoping to find some clues. After about 10 minutes of looking, I moved on to the next house. This one was in the same shape as the first. I did find a couple of half-burned pictures that I shoved in my bag, but nothing else. I continued this for the last 3 houses, each coming up with very little evidence. Walking up to the larger of the two buildings, Clint was already there waiting for me. "Let's start with the larger of the two. Both buildings seem to be in better shape than the other buildings." When we first entered the building the first thing that stood out was a logo of a skull with octopus limbs spray painted on the wall. "Do you know what that logo is?"

"No, but it looks familiar." Clint took a picture of it as evidence. The rest of the room looked to be a large living room. Surprisingly the building was not in bad shape, but you could still see that there was a fire. We split up again to try to cover more ground. "Nat, take the top floors. I'll search here and the basement. If you're not done by the time, I am I'll take the second floor too." I nodded in agreement and made my way to the top floor. Even with the evidence of the fire downstairs. The top floors surprisingly were not touched. At the top of the stairs was a large picture of a pack of wolves. 


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