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*At psychiatrist appointment*

"What are you struggling with the most Camden?"


"Flashbacks from what?" I froze for a second.

"Past trauma."

"Could you be more specific?" I took a deep breath. "It's ok. You can be honest here."

"I was raped, and tortured. I also almost died after getting blown up by a bomb." I told her. She wrote something down and then looked back up at me. "The guy is arrested now." I elaborated. She just nodded.

"Do you have nightmares."

"Every night." She nodded and wrote something else down.

"Do you experience panic attacks?"


"How often?"

"A couple times a week."

"Do you know why?" I shook my head and she wrote something else down. "Have you ever been depressed?"

"I don't know."

"Have you ever experienced no motivation? Tired a lot? Less eating?" I nodded. "How often?"

"A couple times a year." She nodded and stood up.

"I'm going to change your medication. Instead of taking 4 you're going to take 2." She wrote it down on a prescription slip and handed it to me. "Call me if you need to make another appointment."

"Thank you." She nodded and I left.

I drove to the pharmacy and handed them my prescription, then I left for home. JJ should be back now. I put my keys in the door and turned, sighing in relief when I saw JJ. "Hey beautiful." She said.

"Hi J." I flung myself at her and hugged her tightly.

"Aww I didn't know you missed me so much. How was your appointment?"


"Were you honest?" I nodded into her neck.

"Good." She kissed the side of my head. "What did you talk about?" We walked over to the couch and faced each other when we sat down.

"Um...she asked me what my biggest struggle was. I told her flashbacks...she asked me about what..." I trailed off.

"You told her...right?" I nodded.

"I told her and then she asked me if I had panic attacks and if I had ever been depressed. She prescribed me 2 different medications, and I'm supposed to stop my other ones." She nodded and put her hand on my thigh, caressing it.

"I'm proud of you." I smiled and leaned it to kiss her. "Hey, I got something for you." JJ said, pulling something out of her pocket. "I saw you looking at it in the window of a jewelry store a while ago. I remember you said you wanted to put my name in it...so I got it engraved. I got one too." She pulled out a beautiful silver ring and I beamed at her.

"Oh my God! I love it so much JJ!" I kissed her and then threw my arms around her after putting it on. "Thank you!" I kissed her cheek repeatedly and then pulled away. I looked up to see her staring at me lovingly. "What?"

"I just love you."

"I love you too." I kissed her again and she put her hands on my lower back. I tried to climb on top of her but she pushed me down against the bed.

"You know where you're supposed to be." She said, giving me a wink. I blushed and then froze when I heard a knock at the door. "Ugh." She got up and opened it, to see Garcia.

"Hey guys. I baked you cookies since Camden took a break off of work. Are you ok Cam?" Garcia asked me, seeing me lying down on the couch.

"Yes Garcia, that's very nice of you." I stood up and walked over to her, taking the cookies. I felt JJ hug me from behind and I smiled. She kissed my neck and caressed my stomach.

"You two are officially the cutest couple I've ever seen." She said.

"Thank you Garcia. If you don't mind, we're a little busy." JJ said, continuing to kiss my neck.

"Yes, I'm sorry. Enjoy the cookies!" She closed the door behind her and JJ walked backwards until we were in our bedroom.

This is was going to be an exciting night.

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