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I was driving down a mostly empty road to get some food for JJ and I. I felt a lot better now and I was relieved. That was until I heard a horn blaring behind me. I turned around in my seat and saw someone tailgating me. I sped up a little bit but he kept tailgating me. "Oh my God man I just want my Jimmy John's." I said as I realized that he was just going to keep doing it. His horn blared again and I rolled my eyes. I turned down a street that no one was on and slammed down on the gas. He did the same and I switched lanes. He followed me and I took a deep breath as I realized that he wasn't gonna stop till we crashed. I heard my phone ring and I saw that it was JJ and answered. "Where are you?" She asked me.

"This dipshit is tailgating me and I'm trying to get away from him but he keeps following me."

"What? Send me your location." I took my eyes off the road for a second to share my location. "How close is he now?"

"Within a foot. Jesus Christ!" I switched lanes again as I realized I was gonna have to make a u turn soon so I didn't turn onto a busy road. That wouldn't be safe with how fast I was going and I would most likely skid off of the road and the car would flip.

"Talk to me, what's happening?"

"I'm gonna have to take a u turn."

"How fast are you going?"


"Do not take the u turn."

"I don't think I have a choice." I said as I neared the end of the road. I turned the wheel suddenly and skidded off the road. He t-boned me and the car flipped over.

I was still awake but everything seemed to be moving slowly and my ears were ringing. "Cam...Cam? Are you ok?"

"Call 911. Please."

"Ok, are you ok?"

"He t-boned me." I looked to the side and saw that he was crawling out of his car. I reached for my gun but it wasn't where I needed it to be. I looked at the floor and saw that it was there.

"Ok baby they're on their way. Just hang on a minute."

"JJ he has a gun."

"Ok...ok I'm coming." I took a deep breath and hung up. I crawled into the back seat so that he couldn't see me with the tinted windows. I gripped my gun tightly but my head was spinning and I felt warm blood trickling down my face. I looked at my hands and they were blurry, like there were 2 of each hand but they overlapped. He walked towards the car with an evil grin on his face, stumbling as he fell against the car. He looked into the drivers seat and his face fell when he saw that it was empty.

Pretty soon I heard a car speeding down the road. I smiled to myself as I recognized it as JJ's car. She got out of the car and pointed her gun at the man. "Put. The. Gun. Down. Now." She said, he turned around and dropped the gun, holding his hands up.

"I don't want any trouble sweetheart." She walked over to him and kicked his gun away, I saw her eyes widen as she saw that I wasn't in the front seat. But she opened the back door and let out a sigh of relief. She helped me out of the car and supported me as I tried to walk.

Before I realized it the ambulance was here and JJ was helping me up onto the stretcher. "JJ can you stay with me?" I asked her. She looked at the medics and they nodded. She climbed into the ambulance with me and held my hand.

"It looks like she has a concussion." The medic said. "And she's lost a lot of blood, we need to bandage her up."

"Ok, whatever it takes to make sure she's ok."

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