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"Love me love me. Say that you love me-"

"Can you please stop Cam. I'm sorry I'm trying to focus." Spencer said.

"Oh...sorry." I stood up and walked to the espresso machine. "Hey Morgan."

"Hey Can."

"Did you just call me can?" He shrugged. "Whatever." I started to walk away with a bag of chips that were sitting next to the fridge before I ran into JJ.

"Hey beautiful."

"He called me can. Like a trash can." I said, pointing at Morgan.

"Hey. I did not say trash can!" He held up his hands defensively. JJ scowled at him and grabbed some coffee.

"Do you want to go out for lunch with me JJ?" I asked.

"I made my lunch, sorry baby." She said, kissing my temple. "I have to go do some work."

"Can I come with you?"

"Yeah." I followed her back up to her office and sat down across from her at her desk. She immediately started to do her work and I opened my bag of chips, trying to eat them quietly.

"I'm bored." I breathed out. She handed me a file and I filled it out for her in ten minutes. "I'm done." She sighed and then I back away from her desk so I could spread out across multiple chairs.

An hour had passed and she hadn't said anything to me. I wanted her attention but I didn't know how to get it. The only thing that pulls her away from her work is if I'm crying or something but I didn't want to fake cry since I'm fine right now. So i just let out a loud sigh and turned away from her in the chairs. "What?" She sounded irritated which made my chest tighten.

"Nothing." I whispered, closing my eyes and trying to sleep.

"I'm on my break." She said a few minutes later. I heard her walking towards me and I opened my eyes.

"Ok." I curled up into a ball and ignored her.

"I'm going to go down to get some more coffee. Do you want anything?" I shrugged. "Ok...I'll be back."

She came back a few minutes later and sat down on a chair next to me. "Are you tired?" She asked me. I shook my head. "Then what's wrong?"

"Nothing." I sat up and stretched.

"Ok...I have to start working again soon." I nodded. "Come on beautiful, talk to me."

"About what?"

"Why aren't you talking to me?"

"I am." I said, looking confused.



"Don't act dumb."

"I'm not." She gave me a stern look and crossed her arms, leaning back in her chair. I'm not going to lie she looked really hot right now and I was turned on.

"What are you thinking about?"

"You." I said.

"Seriously Cam, what's wrong? You've been lying down and avoiding me the whole time you've been in here." I shook my head and she brought her laptop over to me. "Come here." She said, patting her legs and opening them. I moved towards her and leaned against her so my back was against her front while she worked. "You feel better?" I nodded and she laughed while typing. "Just tell me if you want attention."

"Ok. I want attention." I said. She stopped typing and put her arms around me, kissing my cheek repeatedly and caressing my stomach. She blew raspberries on my shoulder and I started laughing. I moved around in her arms and then she started kissing my neck lovingly.

"You should've said that earlier."

"You were working."

"So? I would rather kiss you than do work." I laughed and turned around in her arms, kissing her gently.

"JJ-oh I didn't mean to interrupt anything." Spencer said, walking in.

"No you're fine." JJ said, standing up. I pouted a little bit but it was ok. They whispered about something on the other side of the room but I didn't care. People were allowed to have their secrets.

"Bye Cam." Spencer said as he left.

"Bye." I waved to him and JJ came back over to me.

"Come with me. I have a surprise for you." She said, holding out her hand. I took it and and she got a blindfold.

"Hey no. I'm not putting that on." I said, my heart starting to race.

"Ok. Can you close your eyes then?" I nodded and closed my eyes as she led me down the stairs.

"What's happening?"

"It's a surprise."

"I know."

"Be patient."


"You're gonna love it."

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