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⚠️ SMUT ⚠️

It was around 11 am and JJ was doing some work from home since Hotch agreed to let her do a little bit. "JJ...?" I sat up and waited for her to come to me.

"Yes beautiful?" She walked into the room and then leaned onto the foot of the bed with her hands, I grabbed the back of her neck gently and kissed her.

"I miss you." She smiled and kissed me again, pushing me down onto the bed softly and climbing on top of me. She straddled me and deepened the kiss. It was filled with nothing but love. I moaned softly against her lips and ran my hands up her back, pulling her down closer to me. I tilted my head so that she could kiss down my neck and let out soft moans. My body felt like it was on fire. She slid her hands down to the hem of my shirt and pulled it off of my body before reaching down to pull off my shorts and panties.

"I love you." She whispered against my neck. I sighed happily as I became lost in the bliss she was giving me. She reached her hand down to my center and touched my clit gently. "Tell me if you want me to stop." I nodded and she started drawing small circles on it. I moaned and tangled my hands in her hair as she continued to kiss my neck.

"JJ...fuck." She lifted her head up and stared into my eyes with love and lust. She studied my face as she slipped one finger into me, I arched my back and she put her hand on my stomach.

"Relax." She whispered, kissing me sweetly.

"Jayj...I'm gonna come." She nodded.

"You can come baby." I came on her fingers and stared at the ceiling, breathing heavily as she kissed up my stomach to my neck and then finally to my lips. I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around her. "You ok?" I nodded and she buried her face in my neck. I played with her hair and she left soft kisses on my neck occasionally. I sighed contently and she picked her head up, tucking my hair behind my ear. She pulled the covers up over us and smiled at me while our faces were inches apart.

"I love you." I whispered, pecking her lips.

"I love you too baby." She looked all over my face, eye to eye, to my nose and down to my lips. Her eyes were full of love and it filled me with happiness for a split second. Why can't I just feel happy, why can it only last for a second? "What is it?" Her small smile turned into a frown.

"Nothing. I promise." I whispered. She furrowed her brows and kissed me again, putting her hand on the side of my neck, caressing it gently.

"Baby talk to me." She kissed me again before I sighed. "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"

"I um..." I looked away from her but she cupped my face and made me look at her.

"You what, sweetheart?"

"I can feel happy." She nodded and gave me a small smile before kissing me again. "But...it doesn't last a long time. And every time I feel happy...I just get really scared that it's going to be the last time." She wiped a tear off of my face and shook her head.

"It won't be the last time. I know you're scared about things lasting so think about it this way. If your happiness didn't last forever, then neither will this. You will get past this. And I'm going to be here with you every step of the way." I reached for her hand that was in my face and intertwined our fingers. "You wanna talk about anything else?" I shook my head and she rolled off of me, patting her chest. I smiled and put my head on her chest, tangling our legs together as she played with my hair. "I love you." She whispered as she kissed the top of my head. "I can't wait to marry you."

"Me neither."

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