𝐖𝐞'𝐫𝐞 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬? [CH.1]

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The wind blew and trees rustled, Stan got dressed as usual and stared at himself through the bathroom mirror. He buttoned his jacket and put his hat on walking out. "Cya later Shelly." Stan waved. "Cya later turd!" Shelly said sternly.
Stan walked to the bus step where Kenny,Kyle, And Cartman stood. Kyle and Cartman arguing as usual. Kyle argued, "I'll give you $20 if you  can cut it with the Jew jokes for 20 Minutes, that's how much I'll believe you'll fell." Cartman grinned taking the challenge, "Fine! That 20 bucks is mine!"
Stan just stood onside of them as the bus pulled up. Kyle turned to his side before smiling wildly, "Hey Dude! what's up?"
"Nothing much really," Stan said as they both walked into the bus sitting down.
Cartman yelled, "Hey hurry up your not a Damsel in distress!"
"Shut up Fatass." *Kyle said.
They went into class to hear Mr Garrison blabbering out and about the new hot topic, Finally getting tired of it Stan passed a note to Kyle.
"Hey dude, You doing anything after school?"
Stan wrote before Kyle wrote in pencil marking.
"Nah, I'm not doing anything, Why?"
Kyle passed the paper back to stan before Mr.Garrison immediately spotting them.
"Is this a note! Well fine, I'll read it out loud-"
-Stan immediately took a different paper and handed it to Mr Garrison without him realizing.
Mr garrison coughed,"Ahem, Did you wanna play some more Guitar hero Stan wrote, Yea I'll bet this time we can get 10 million Kyle also wrote, AHEM... Stan wrote let's allow everyone to come to my house and watch." Mr garrison stared at them stern before the whole classroom grew excited by these words.
"You guys should really pay attention in class!" Mr garrison squinted at Stan and Kyle.
Stan chuckled, "You follow us from pre-k to now our high school, and expect us to pay attention?"
Mr garrison yelled, "What did you say?!"
Stan said, " You have really left us bamboozled! We will pay attention from now on!" Stan rolled his eyes.
Mr garrison spoke, "Oh, Okay." This caused the whole class to burst into laughter until Mr garrison threatened them with detentions.
Cartman made a comment, "Of course Kyle is being a troublemaker, it's always the Jews, GOT DAMNIT!" Cartman yelled at the realization. "You fatass!" *Kyle yelled.
In the Hallway Stan and Kyle walked with each other, cracking up Jokes and talking about other things until Wendy grinned smiling at stan.
"Hey stan!" Wendy smiled big.
"Oh- Uhm hey Wendy." Stan said not as cheerful as Wendy was. Kyle stared confused by the sudden change in Stan.
"Is something wrong? I'm really sorry about how everything's been going- but I really appreciate everything you do!" Wendy said sadly.
Wendy hugged Stan and kissed him on the cheek leaving off with Bebe.
"Stan I saw that... why are you being so awkward with Wendy? You guys aren't usually like this." Kyle said Concerned.
"I don't know... Its just. Man whatever." Stan walked faster not even wanting to explain.
Kyle followed Stan before arguing, "Well hey you need to apologize to Wendy! It just isn't right Stan.."
Stan's face scrunched up, "Ack- I don't even know if I love Wendy anymore!" Stan walked away and Kyle stood there in silence.
"What the hell.. What chapter did I miss?" Kyle  whispered still in shock.

WHEN THE LIGHTS GO OFF [STYLE HS AU]Where stories live. Discover now