𝐁𝐢-𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬[CH.3 pg.2]

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The next day Stan woke up and yawned, he ate his cereal, then he saw his Mother looking exhausted.

"Oh hey mom," Stan tried to make conversation but she was snoring on the couch.
He just decided to let her sleep because she's been working hard lately.
Shelly sat the table scrolling through post before saying, "Mom cares about us. Our stupid turd of a dad isn't doing shit besides partying and getting drunk. But our mother tries Stan."

Stan turned a little surprised of Shelly trying to comfort Stan, "I know Shelly... life is fucked up right now. But things will get better."
Shelly said continuing on, "NOW LEAVE TURD- I don't wanna listen to your sob stories!"
Stan chuckled before walking outside and knocking on Kyle's door, opening it Sheila stared.

"Oh hello Stan, are you looking for Kyle?" Sheila said smiling.
Stan looked both ways, "Uh- Yeah."
Sheila grinned, "Well he's upstairs playing' He told me if you came he'll just be in his room, KYLEEEEE YOUR FRIEND STAN IS HEREE!"
Sheila yelled.

Kyle yelled back, "Well I told you to let him come upstairs!"
Sheila said raising her tone, "ARE YOU BEING SASSY AT ME YOUNG MAN!"
Stan stared awkwardly before letting himself inside, "Uh well...I'm just gonnaa.."

Stan walked up the stairs to see Kyle on his computer, "Soo.. what'cha doing?" Stan said trying to make convo.
Kyle sighed, " What's your feelings on Wendy, Stan?"
Stan swallowed hit spit, "Oh-erm well that's sudden. I'm not sure, I don't really know any of my feelings right now." Stan lied.
Kyle stared before breaking eye contact, "I hope your being honest, I'm sorry for asking man. I just - you wouldn't understand."
Stan looked confused, "Understand? What are you talking about Kyle?"
Kyle got off his chair turning to Stan, "Nothing, don't worry about it alright?" Kyle rustled Stan's hair before sitting on his bed, "So what do you wanna do Stan?"

Stan thought, "Karaoke, video games, I don't know dude."
"C'mon let's go search it up on Google-" Kyle said having no idea what to do.
Stan sat next to Kyle on the bed and watched as the scrolled to see what they should do.

Kyle grinned, "Give me a second, I'm gonna call everyone from school, it'll be a little meet up like we used to do in elementary!"

Stan said before Kyle called, "Invite Cartman."
Kyle looked at him upsettingly, "Seriously! You knew I wasn't gonna invite him?"

Stan sighed, "Chef told us, Even if we might not like it Cartmans our friend, sure he's evil but he comes back around doesn't he?"
Kyle agreed, "Alright... But only for the laughs alright!"
Stan gave a soft smile that caused Kyles heart to flutter.
Kyle stuttered,"I-I uh gotta go." Kyle ran to the bathroom and locked the door leaving Stan in the room by myself.

Kyle exhaled and inhaled, "I can't believe it, I just really can't... These feelings I'm developing are cursed, and it's unacceptable- so why do I feel these things? It just don't make any sense at all.." Kyle jumped hearing knocks on the door, "Kyle? Kyle are you alright?" Stan yelled.
Kyle coughed, "Oh uh- Yea I'm just fine! Totally okay and fine!"

Stan seemed rather concerned but found himself stopping, "Well uh- Do you mind if I play video games on your console while I wait for you to head out?
Kyle felt his heart beating out of his chest..."Oh-Uh- Yea of course welcome yourself home- Uhm get anything you want just- leave me be for a bit..

Authors Note:
Sorry this is such a short chapter but I have central time zone- and I upload like at 2:00 am to like 5:00 am because I have like bad insomnia 😨 so I'm just gonna take this time to rest and I will upload a longer chapter later today! I just feel really exhausted and need a break from uploading at night- which means the uploading time may change. Thanks for reading and as always thanks for supporting me!❤️

WHEN THE LIGHTS GO OFF [STYLE HS AU]Where stories live. Discover now