𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞...𝐃𝐚𝐝. [Ch.5]

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"This might sting a bit," the doctor said as she put the syringe in.

"Ack.." Stan whinced, but it wasn't too painful, at least for him.
Kyle held onto stan,  "Try and get some rest okay-? Long day tomorrow. "

Stan agreed, "You're my parent now?" Stan chuckled, "Well alright, just stay beside me, please."

Kyle grinned, "Of course - scoot over. I'm gonna lay in the bed with you -"

"W-WAIT IM THE PATIENT MAN -" Stan grunted as Kyle pushed him to the side to lay down on the hospital bed with him.
Stan stared at him blankly with the hospital cover on both of them. It wasn't a very big hospital bed, originally made for one person...  leaving Stan very close to the edge.

"That's crazy... I'm the patient, and I don't even get the bed to myself -" Stan was cut off.
"Yea, yea- stop your blabbering just sleep with me,"

Stan raised his eyebrow.

"You know I didn't mean it like that, dude." Kyle looked unphased.

Stan chuckled, "YEA... WHATEVER."

Stan fell asleep on Kyle's arm, Kyle just casually scrolled on his phone until a text popped up.

Butters: Hey Fellas, me and Kenny made a group chat!

Kenny: Yurp.

Wendy: Oh! I almost forgot we could make a gc!
Kyle, how is Stan doing?

Kyle: He's fine. He's just sleeping right now.

Wendy: Aww, that's so cute!

Kyle: ...

Kenny: Well, Butters, did anyone buy any nfts yet?

Butters: Hold on lemme check-

Wendy: K

Butters: Someone bought the cheapest one.. $5

Kyle: We still have a lot more to go. If the buys don't go faster- we can't pay for Stan's surgery

Kenny: Can't you just loan it? lol

Wendy: I guess so, but why didn't the doctor mention it?

Kyle: I'll ask, but that would take years to pay back, you know,

Kenny : I guess, but that's really the only option right now.

Kyle: I'll text you guys back later

Butters: Well, alright! Cya' fella!


Kyle found himself falling asleep, an hour later someone barged through the door.

Stan and Kyle woke up, "Shit-"

Randy yelled, " STANLEY- WHAT HAPPENED- Wait huh." Randy was still a bit drunk.

"Dad-" Stan said nervously as Kyle got up from the bed.

"What's going on, what the fuck." Randy hiccuped.

"I-" Stan was paused as a bunch of security took Randy.

"HEY, LET ME GO- IM HERE TO SEE MY SON- HEY!" Randy screeched.

Stan reached his hand out, but they had already dragged him out.
"FUCK- I didn't know he was gonna come here -"

"Shit, man... How are you gonna explain - " Kyle scratched his head.

"I hope he doesn't get the wrong idea - I don't know if he'll support me or not..."

Kyle gave Stan a big hug, "It's okay, we can explain together, alright - so much for secret, hah..."

Stan sighed, "Do we really make it that obvious -"

Kyle chuckled, "I probably do- hahh.."

The doctor walked in, "Sorry for that... Well you guys are free to leave now,"

"Uhm, quick question, Are we allowed to make some sorta loan... for surgerys?"
Kyle asked.

"Oh yes, what's your email, and we can email you the steps to apply for the loan!"
The doctor grinned.

"Great, let's go." Kyle said, tugging on Stan's hand.

"Oh, uhm also, Damien and Pip are here," Kyle added on."

"That kid we hate and that random dude that burned down the playground in elementary?" Stan questioned.

Kyle nodded, "Yea- could care less though, They are probably still weridos!" Kyle chuckled.

"Probably -" Stan said as Kyle still held on to his hand while in the elevator.

The nurses waved them goodbye, and Kyle and Stan stepped out,
"Shit, Randy's still here -" Kyle looked at him, waiting by his car.

"FUCK WHERE-" Stan said nervously.

Randy made eye contact as he saw the two walk over.

Randy stared, making 2 glances between the two before sighing, "Stan, I know I'm not a great father figure, and I'm not always their, but please tell me what's going on. Just let me start first. Are you alright?"

Stan said quietly, "Yea Dad - I'm fine... just let me explain -"

Randy sighed, "Kiddo, it's okay to like whoever you want to. Did you really think I wouldn't support you?"

Stan stared shocked while Kyle let out a sigh of relief, "H-Huh? You support me?!"

Randy chuckled, still drunk a little but sobering down, "Well, we support Tweek and craig- didn't we? Me and Gerald have done some werid stuff in the pa-"
Randy stopped as he looked at Kyle, who had eye daggers at him.

"WELL- UH, let's just say it's HISTORY- but I'm really fine with it, son." Randy laughed it off.

Kyle spoke Calmly, but his face said otherwise,  "Ya know what - maybe I'm still a bit drunk aha! COME ON STAN LETS GO." Randy rushed Stan as he waved goodbye.

Kyle found himself smiling. Now, most of Stan's problems that he thought would happen probably went away, but their was still a major one. His surgery cost, and that stupid form he would have to complete for Stan. Stan still wasn't aware of the surgery he was gonna have to take, but Kyle didn't want to bother Sharon about it since she already worked twice as much.


Kyle: Yo' guys Stan just got released, so I'm gonna head back home,

Wendy: Thank you, Kyle, for taking care of Stan :)

Kyle: Yea, sure - but you are aware Stan is my best friend and not just a
Stranger right-

Butters: Yeah thanks pal for taking care of Stan ☺️

Kenny: What he said,

Kyle: Yk what, whatever - any new sells?

Butters: AH, lemme check... No new sales.

Kyle: God damnit... just- let's talk tomorrow.

Butters: Oh.. Okay!



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