𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞...𝐃𝐚𝐝. [Ch.5 pg.2]

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Stan walked in his house Silently as He sat down on the couch.

"I'm sorry - I'm not a great dad Stan, as much as I'd like to say so." Randy said

"But... I don't want you to be like me either. Which is why I'm divorcing your mother."

Stan stared tightening his grip on his pants leg, "WHAT- SO YOUR FUCKING LEAVING? YOUR NOT GONNA EVEN TRY BEING A GOOD FATHER?"

Randy coughed, "Stan, me and you both know well that isn't going to happen,  stop lying to yourself and grow up."

"But why Dad... Why. Why can't you just go to rehab and give it up..." Stan eyes watered.

Randy's tone became a bit more serious, "Because I chose this life Stan, I chose the partys- The drinking - The weed farm, I chose it."

"I don't think I'm a great influence,  especially if you keep finding yourself in my stash and drinking my beer bottles away." Randy sounded a bit annoyed, "Sometimes I even forget you're here too. So for you Stan, and for Shelly, I'm leaving."

Stan murmured, "Where would you go! YOU CAN'T FUCKING LEAVE-"

"STANLEY. This is my decision not yours, Why the hell are kids so noisy.." Randy burped.

Stan icked,  "You fucking disgust me, how am I even related to you."

Randy took Stan by his neck grippining his hands against his neck, "Now I tell you what, I think it's sickening TO SEE A 17 YEAR OLD DRINKING, IM FUCKING GROWN, SO SHUT THE HELL UP- JUST SHUT UP STAN!"

Stan yelled being unable to breathe, "L-LET GO OF ME!"

Randy let go, punching Stan in the eye. Stan screamed, "WHAT THE FUCK- AGHH-" he cried.

Randy saw what he did, "Shit... I'm sorry, Stan- Please-"

Stan screamed,


Randy's eyes began to tear up looking at the big bruise, now on Stan's eye. Randy walked upstairs.

Stan cried as he tried to touch his eye, "GOD DAMNIT- IT STINGS- ACK...ack... I'm so tired... I'm so tired of this, please.... someone.... save me....."

Stan passed out, Randy grabbed his suitcases and walked out, not even bothering to look at Stan, but he did leave a note.
"Dear Stanley, Shelly, and Sharon,

I fucked up- really bad, I'm sorry Stan. I'm sorry Shelly too,
I wasn't a great Father, and I didn't do much to help you
At your worst either. I wasn't ready to have kids,
I was still busy trying to live my own life,
I don't think I really
cared about you guys either for my liking, I tried, but my "try"
Wasn't really the best.
Although I'll miss you, I can't burden you anymore. And for whom I'm sorry the most to is Sharon,
Your my darling Wife, we have such great memories together,
The first time we met you told me, "Well, How about it Randy, Care to join?"
It was a country club and it was so sweet... I think I just loved to
Just see you passing out drinks and staring into your eyes.
But this was a mistake, a childish mistake that I ever decided to be in
Your life. Find someone, Better Sharon, someone that isn't me."


My mom read it and started bursting into tears. Even though she knew they were getting divorced, it still hurt, and she was still wondering about my eye, of course.

This place tells me time and time again why I hate being in southpark,  as soon as I get my license I'm fucking leaving this hell hole, atleast that's what I want to do.

I miss Kyle. He could comfort me or say things silly that would probably brighten my day, but at the hospital... he seemed so serious,  I just don't understand.  Why was he so intended on being somewhere, Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK! SHIT DUDE!


Stan picked up his phone to call Kyle, no answer.
"Shit, dude, let me try calling Kenny."

Stan called Kenny, feeling a rush of exhaustion as he answered,

"Yo Sup Stan, you okay?" Kenny said,

"Forget about me right now. Do you know where Kyle is?"

Kenny thought, "Nah, why? Doesn't he have his location on or sum?"

Stan turned into a wreck, "I need to ask him something - It's important. "

"Well, dude, I don't really know where he is."

"Fuck me dude... Literally fuck,  I can't do this," Stan scratched his head while holding his phone.

"Huh- Woah, don't say that I know I'm gay and all but only for butters - ya feel me-"

Stan stared blankly, "Shut the fuck up Kenny you know I didn't mean it like that,"

Kenny rolled his eyes while on FaceTime, "WELL MY BAD DRUNK-O FOR TRYNA LIGHTEN THE MOOD."

Stan rolled his eyes, "Get off my phone werido-"

Kenny stood there before yelling, "YOU CALLED ME-"

Stan hanged up calling anyone he possibly could, still no sign of Kyle. Stan began having a breakdown, "Maybe his phones just off.... Shit.."

Stan put his shoes on, including his jacket,"Where's Kyle.."

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