𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐬.

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Butters felt a lump in his throat, but then he felt anger.

"Fine, I'll take you up on this offer."

Everyone's face froze up, and Kenny looked even more scared than anyone, Damien grinned as he made a hand motion for Butters to go on the stage.

"Butters- Please! THIS IS DANGEROUS WE DON'T EVEN KNO-" Kenny yelled.

Butters exhaled and inhaled, "Kenny... You're the only one who's really been kind to me. Just go, please."


Damien smiled, "Now that we have all of the people I wish to recruit, I'll give my fellow friends a time to save 1 friend they wish."

"Stan." Kyle crossed his arms.

"Meh can't think of anyone." Pip said.

"Kenny." Butters said as Kenny was still in shock.

Stan said, shrieking, "Kyle! Please -

Kyle scoffed, "Stan, you really just don't get what's going on, do you? Why won't you just take my warning and leave."

"Because Kyle...I love you."

The crowd went silent, and a few minor side conversations here and their.

Kyle went silent, "I... Stan."

Cartman rolled his eyes, "I knew it, no suprise their."

Kenny nodded his head along with a few more people.

"UGH- Enough with the confessions and whatever. Let's get this show on a roll, shall we? The picked people will be sent to spectactate, time is stopped here so your parents won't even notice." Damien said.

Craig spoke up, "Wait- this place is in Southpark, right... I swear we didn't walk that far."

Damien said blankly, "Teleportation duh. You humans are exhausting. "

Pip grinned, "Okaay! Ur speech, Damien."

Damien snapped his fingers, which sent Stan and Kenny in a room above them.

Smiling, he said, "You guys will be offered a one in a life chance to get this feeling you so desire. Money? Just a feeling of ease? Better parents?"

Butters stared blankly at the damien, "..."

"You were probably living your ordinary lives before this. How things change in an instant, have we? You guys will be asked to go in groups, be smart about this because  this is all about strength and wisdom." Damien smirked.

Craig, Tweek, clyde, and toilken made glances at each other to group up.

Damien laughed, "Nuh-uh, the catch is you can only have 3 people in a group."

Craig gave Damien the middle finger.

Pip sighed, continuing on with Damiens speech, "Chose a great team, because this Team can get you killed, or give you a chance of that life you so desire."

"So, how's about it. Why are you waiting around? Shoo!" Damien grinned.

"Aw! Fuck you guys! You took the joo,  the poor, and my depressed alcoholic friends from me!" Cartman yelled.

Craig said blankly, "Clyde, ya gotta go be on someone else's team."

Clyde said angrily, "What dude! Why?!"

"Yo Craig, I just think Me and Clyde will split up on different teams." Toilken said Calmly.

Clyde was still angry by the fact they tried to kick him off, "Fine! Fuck you Craig!"

Tweak looked even more nervous then ever, "A-AGHH CRAIG WHAT DO WE DO!"

Craig patted Tweek on the head, "What we always do."


"Bebe wanna join our team?" Clyde asked.

Bebe said sulking, "Clyde, I'm already in a team with Wendy..."

Clyde hugged Wendy tight, crying into her shoulder, "Bebe... just know I love you, okay? Whatever happens, I'll try and help you.

Bebe hugged him back, "Thanks, Clyde,"

Bebe backed up and walked toward Wendy, Clyde found himself stunned.

"Well, who else do we know??" Toilken said.

Clyde felt  like he just hit a light switch, "What about jimmy?"

Toilken scoffed, "Yea, he's our friend, but is he just gonna tell jokes to the other teams??"

"Just trust me on this toilken. We're in this to win it."

Clyde and toilken walked to Jimmy.

"O-O-Oh hey guys!" Jimmy said.

Toilken asked, "Do you wanna join our team."

"W-W-Well as Much as I-l-love you guys , Your team looks incredibly shitty. Sure, you have T-T-Toilken, but Clyde's gonna die immediately,  I'm teaming up with T-T-Timmy." Jimmy left to go team up with Timmy.


Pip, Butters, and Kyle nodded.



Kenny began to put his hands on the side of his head, "What the fuck are we gonna do! Their gonna get those people killed!"

Stan sat down completely, giving up already, "Theirs not much we can do, Kenny..."

Kenny yelled, "Well, we have to do something Stan. We can't just let all those people die, Butters- or Kyle won't even be safe out their."

Stan slammed his face against his head, "I'm gonna be sick... I can't do this anymore."

Kenny slapped Stan, "We're gonna stop this, some way or another. I don't even care if you don't do it at this point. Just don't get in my way."

Stan stared at Kenny bamboozled as Kenny tried to look inside the room for a clue.

WHEN THE LIGHTS GO OFF [STYLE HS AU]Where stories live. Discover now