𝐖𝐞'𝐫𝐞 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬? [CH.1 pg2]

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Stan went home frustrated but trying to take deep breaths. "Goddamnit.. Why did I say that. I do love Wendy.. I can't live without her.." Stan felt tears go in his eyes.
"It's just ever since high school started. My thoughts about her has changed... like she's some, replacement? From what.."
Stan thought to himself. The realization struck Stan like Zeus struck lightning. How could he.. How could he develop feelings for Kyle? Stan said, "Shit.. Well theirs only one way to settle this.." STAN WHIPPED IT OUT.
Stan took his white board out and started writing out the Pros and cons for Kyle and Wendy. "Alright let's See... Wendy's pretty, but she's over dramatic sometimes, and is really clingy. Kyle, he's my best friend, makes me laugh, and he's Jewish. Seems accurate."
They had plenty of like quantity's in Kyle, but barley any that Stan liked in Wendy.
"Wait does this make me Gay now?"
Stan said questioning himself.
"Nah, let's just not think about it! Go to school as normal, and everything will be alright. How do I explain the situation to Kyle though.." Stan kept on thinking, keeping him restless all night.
The next day Stan did his usual routine and made it to the bus stop with black under eyes.
Kyle glimpsed a look at Stan,"Woah- Dude are you alright?"
Stan stared at Kyle for a few seconds then squinted his eyes. Kenny mumbled,"MmPH MMPH mmPh MmpH mmPh!" (I think you should get that checked out..) Cartman laughed, "Did the Holy Ghost get you or something?"
"Guys I'm alright, I just didn't sleep well last night." Stan sighed.
Kyle thought to himself, "Is it because yesterday?"
Walking into the bus as soon as Stan sat on the seat he fell asleep. "What do I do with him.." Kyle sighed. Kyle still sitting uncomfortable scooted an inch away from Stan, but Stan just leaned himself into Kyles lap snoring like a cow in the bus. Kyle shook off Stan rapidly but his breath reeked of alcohol.  Stan woke up immediately knowing they were at school now and casually walked off.
"Dude what the actual fuck-" Kyle stared flabbergasted.
Stan ran to Wendy and grabbed her hand. Wendy smiled, "Well you seem more joyous today!"
Stan grinned, "I love you.."
Kyle walked into the hallway going to walk to Stan but stopping himself by Stan's words. Didn't Stan say he didn't even love Wendy anymore?
"Am I interrupting something?" Kyle chuckled.
Wendy and Stan turned, "Oh hey Kyle! What took you so long to get off the bus?" Stan said.

"Well you kinda shocked me by going to sleep and immediately waking up when we made it to the school, almost suffocating me, but nah it was nothing!" Kyle said sarcastically

"Hah!" Stan chuckled, "Well I gotta go Cya!" Kyle waved off before Stan whispered something in his ear causing him shock, "I can't keep this act up for long, what do I do Kyle?" Stan walked away leaving Kyle to stand alone confused again.
Later that day Kyle found himself walking to his house that night putting all the pieces together, "Okay so.. Stan doesn't love Wendy but is playing with her feelings, low-key a bitch move.. but he's acting. Why is that?" Kyle thought. Kyle paced around his room before thinking, "It's not any of my business, but it's not right for Stan to lead people on. Wendy sounds like a sweet girl."
Kyle was left confused that night but wasn't gonna let that interrupt his rest. He had to focus on his study's so he could get into a good college, and drama was the least of his worries.

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