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Stan pushed Bebe off of Wendy, and Bebe collapsed to the ground,
Just then, the timer dinged,
"FUCK! Fuck... I don't wanna die..." Bebe starts to cry while everyone stares at her hopelessly.

Kyle walked up to Bebe and looked at her before bebe pleaded,

Kyle stopped her sentence, "A way to avoid this was to not kill at all. Damien wanted to put pressure on you guys, and if you guys just didn't.  You could have all just gone home. This was just a test match." Kyle turned and saw Stan standing there in the distance with Wendy.

"Dude, what the fuck- GO back to the spectator room!" Kyle yelled.

Kenny hopped on Kyle's back, "Nope, dude, you totally don't have to do this. People are dying, man."

Kyle pushed Kenny off ,"What the hell are you guys saying- You wanted something out of this, and now you're getting it."

Craig walked up to Kyle, and grabbed him by his shirt, "Now listen the Fuck here, I tried to control my emotions but if I don't get home to stripe I'm seriously going to kill you guys myself."

Kyle pointed a gun towards Craig, causing him to back off a bit, Cartman being Cartman... laughed, "That jew isn't gonna do nothing. It's a shame, really."

Stan slapped Eric, "DUDE SHUT UP! God damn."

Kyle stared confused,"You guys are distracting me-Let me do what I came here to do."

Kyle pointed the gun towards Bebe, and just in an instant, a shot was made, causing everyone to cover their ears.


Wendy started to cry, "KYLE HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO BEBE- AGH- NO!" Wendy pushed the other people out the way and looked at Bebe slapping the sides of her cheeks, "Come on, get up, please, Bebe!"

Bebe murmured, "I'm sorry. I wish I was a better friend to you, and I'm sorry if I did things to make you feel bad or whatever -" She chuckled.

"Don't say shit like that- Please Bebe we're gonna fix this - you've got a long life ahead of you!" Wendy started to tear up.

Bebe sighed, "Wendy, I see you and imagine you having a rich husband, being really smart with beautiful kids, just not with Stan of course -"

Stan stared dumbfounded, "I'm kinda like gay- I thought we clarified that beforehand...??"

Bebe continued on, "Anyways... really, Wendy, you're just an amazing person. You're the best feminist a girl could ask for, and you really know how to stand up for yourself..."

Scott stared and said, nervous, "Are we gonna ignore the fact that she's dying like really slow and that she killed people?"

Cartman mimicked as Jimmy's group had just arrived on the scene, "Well, I'm Scot Malkinson and -"


Cartman stared a long with a few others, "Well excuse me princess peach, go ahead and talk, what's up your ass..."

Bebe coughed, "Wendy, You can have all my shoes and clothes, and all my purses, and everything I own okay, just stay with me for a second, my eyes are starting to feel heavy..."

Wendy cried, "Bebe please just stay with me! Please!"

Kyle just stared with a straight face as he looked at the others and then looked at Damien, who was behind them, "Do I like shoot her again or -"

Pip was laughing alongside Damien as Damien slapped his forehead.

Bebe said her last words, "Goodbyee... Wendy,"

WHEN THE LIGHTS GO OFF [STYLE HS AU]Where stories live. Discover now