𝐖𝐞'𝐫𝐞 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬? [CH.1 pg 3]

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Kyle texted Stan to confront him about Wendy and how he felt. Luckily, Stan agreed and they met at the park.
"Hi Kyle!" Stan smiled un-expecting Kyle to go off on him.
"What the hell dude? You need to figure out your feelings. Your not gonna mix me up in any of your drama unless you fix your shit with you and Wendy." Kyle yelled.
"What the hell man.." Stan said confused.
"Do you love Wendy or not man? If you don't, don't treat her like some random girl that just so happens to hang out with you." Kyle still argued.
Stan tilted his head down to the concrete knowing Kyle was completely right, but how would he explain this to Wendy.
"Your right Kyle... I've been acting like a bitch lately, but I don't know what to do.."
Stan scratched the back of his head.
Kyle sighed, "Im your friend man, now I'll support almost anything you'll do. But at least let me know when your gonna do something shitty."
Stan agreed, "Yea okay..Wanna hug?"
"Fuck off." Kyle said before dying laughing leaving Stan in shock.
"Haha- Sorry man! I've just wanted to do that for a long time!" Kyle snorted and laughed.
This caused Stan to laugh and they side hugged each other.
Stan thought to himself all week what should he say, practicing to his mirror he said to himself, "Wendy, I just don't think relationships gonna work.. Wendy I love you but.. Nah." Stan sulked.
Shelly walked pass Stan's room but backed up seeing Stan practice his words.
"What the hell are you doing turd!" Shelly crossed her arms.
"Nothing you goblin!" Stan yelled.
"Shut up turd!" Shelly sticked her tongue out and walked to her room listening to lorde.
Stan sat next to his bed looking out though his window, "My Priorities are really fucked up. Yet even after all the things I've done... to try and fit in. Kyle still helps me." Stan ended his day on that note and fell asleep.

Stan got ready doing his usual routine but something was different, maybe since today was his last day he would be in an official relationship with Wendy, or because he decided to get new shoes or a new brand of clothes to wear. Today would be different, different then yesterday, the day before, and heck even the future.
Stan yawned as he put on his shirt and shaved his face, "I may suck but at least I'm not evil.." Stan thought to himself thinking about Cartman and Heidi's situation. "I don't manipulate people, do I?" Stan thought, even thinking he could do something so hurtful almost ticked him off.
"Im just going to apologize! Yup- apologize to everyone have great friendships with them and then be popular." Stan smiled to himself.
Stan put on his jacket and shoes and left out the house, this time not saying bye to anyone. He could barley see his dad anymore since Randy marsh was often somewhere at a club getting high, and Sharon was the main provider of the family now since Randy's weed farm was dying out.
Stan walked to the bus stop putting his earbuds in. He couldn't even here Kyle and Cartmans daily arguing, Yes.. today was a new day. Stan was scrolling through TikTok until seeing a new video made by Kyle,
"Guys, come check this out" He made a waving signal for Cartman and Kenny to come over.
They watched the TikTok, apparently it was with Toilken too. That sunny day Stan was supposed to have, disappeared in just a second. Jealousy had consumed him.

WHEN THE LIGHTS GO OFF [STYLE HS AU]Where stories live. Discover now