𝐁𝐢-𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬[CH.3 pg.3]

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Kyle walked out of the bathroom, Stan grinned,"Great! let's call everyone now!"

Kyle called everyone he could possibly know from school and they all were in his room at this moment.

"Ew..What's he doing here.." Bebe said looking Stan up and down.
Kyle yelled, "Stan's my best friend so can you please shut it?"
Bebe smirked, "Nice ass Kyle."
Kyle stared blankly before sitting down slamming his head.
Toilken spoke, "Well uh, What are we playing man?"
Clyde also commented,"Yea what are we gonna play? Just not any of those lame games we played as a kid."
Kyle said, "Well truth or dare maybe?"
They all agreed knowing they didn't have any other ideas of what to play.

Red said, "Craig truth or dare."
Craig shrugged, "Uh I guess dare."
Red smirked, "I dare you to slap yourself!"
Craig looked at Red blankly but it caused tension in the room, Craig slapped himself.
Craig sighed, "Kay.. Truth or dare jimmy?"

"D-D-Dare fellas I ain't no p-p-punk." Jimmy said.
Craig said blankly, "I dare you to write on the schools news Pc principal is totally shit and he should kill himself, it would make me soooo happy."
The room went silent for a second, "U-U-Uh  alright."
Jimmy asked Stan,"T-T-Truth or dare fella?"
Stan said, "Uh, I'll do truth I guess."
Jimmy whispered under his breath," P-P-Pussy."
Stan raised his voice, "What did you say?!"
"Nothing, Uh is it true that you are indeed a-a homosexual m-m-man?"
Stan stared, "Uh.. I don't know how to answer that question"
All a sudden Stan felt Wendy's gaze and got uncomfortable.
Jimmy stared a few seconds, " It's okay we-we-we are all a little gay in the inside."
Everyone began glancing at Tweek and Craig before Craig spoke up, "Is something the problem with being gay or something?"
Everyone replied no before Cartman whispered under his breath, "How do they have se-hold on I have to think about this, I never considered this.." Craig stared sternly, "What the hell?" Craig gave the middle finger to Cartman and everyone looked at Cartman judgementally.
Cartman stood up, "You know what! Screw you guys- I'm going home!" Cartman walked backwards bumping into the lamp on the way out.
Wendy spoke up, "Stan truth or dare."
Stan said, "Woah- didn't I just go?"
Nichole replied, "Just do it."
Stan said nervously," Uhm.. Truth I guess."
Wendy said quietly but loud enough so the whole group could here, "Is it true you really don't love me anymore?"
The room went silent as whispers went across the room.
Stan spoke up, "I...Uhm... gotta go." Stan ran out Kyle running behind him turning around suddenly.
"Wendy what the fuck man- This isn't the time." Kyle ran out as Wendy broke in tears again.
Toilken shooshed Clyde.
Kenny stared, "This party sucks."
A few nodded there head.
Kyle ran to Stan who was starting to cry,
"God- I'm so sorry Stan."  Kyle stared at Stan upsettingly.
Kyle wrapped Stan around in a Hug as he balled his eyes out.
Everyone started to leave Kyles house and glanced at Kyle patting Stan. This even started to ruin Wendy's reputation a bit
Bebe comforted Wendy, "Girl Why would you ask about that?"
Wendy sniffled, "I just- I just wanted to try one last time... just once Bebe."
Nichole commented, "We could go have a sleepover or something- I think we should get your head out of the clouds, alright?"
Nichole patted Wendy on the back.
Kyle added on, "Are your parents cool with you sleeping over- cause I can let you stay?"
Stan looked dim, "I'm sure they wouldn't even notice anyways..Kyle, I haven't seen my dad in a bit, or if I do he's knocked up from smoking or drinking."

Kyle picked Stan up leaving him stunned for a bit yelling to get down and Kyle chuckled, "No can do! We're just gonna rest up."
Stan yelled, "WE?!"
Kyle carried Stan all the way up before dropping him on the ground.
Stan grunted, "Ouch- damn could've laid me on the floor a little lightly."
Kyle kissed Stan on the forehead, "Don't be silly,"
Stan blushed and finally Stan explained his feelings toward Kyle,
"Kyle I... I can't explain it, at first I tried to push these feelings away but I just can't, I really love you. And- I just can't live without you Kyle... I finally understand what my feelings are. I lost interest for Wendy and... I'm tired of acting like I don't get it, or it's just a silly feeling, your my day one man.." Stan fiddled his hands, "But if you don't feel the same it's-"
The next thing Kyle did left Stan in tears.
Authors note: do you know the muffin man the muffin man the muffin man😋🤨😊

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